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Interest Assessments. Key Issue in Development of Interest Assessment

Essay Instructions:

Describe a key issue in the development of interest assessments and outline the attempts, if any, that have been made to deal with that key issue. Do you think that it can be overcome? Why or why not?

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Interest Assessments
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Psychological assessment is a technique used to test or evaluate the mental condition of a person. For this purpose, certain standards are maintained by psychologists or counselors, who aim to provide the best services to their clients (Thomas, 2015). In some circumstances, patients do not show an interest in the counseling session or treatment, and it is important for the medical expert to assess their level of interest before prescribing medications or planning care. For example, if the problem of stress has to be diagnosed, then the doctor or psychologist may implement certain strategies or use varying diagnosis options. The accuracy of information obtained through methods depends on how much interest the patient has taken. If they do not take much interest, then it may not be possible for the medical expert to access their condition appropriately and to provide a suitable treatment option.
Key Issue in the Development of Interest Assessment
Certain IQ tests are used to measure the intelligence or to access the interest of patients. The key issue is that most of the psychologists or counselors are unable to obtain data accurately. In some situations, they fail to know the level of development of the interest assessment, and this causes a lot of problems for them and their patients.
The Attempts
IQ tests like WAIS-IV, Cattell Culture Fair III, WISC-V, Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities-IV and Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales V) are good to go with (Rotgans & Schmidt, 2017). Another attempt is to t...
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