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Psychology Related Problem Or Challenge At An Organization

Essay Instructions:

For the final Portfolio Project, write a paper that includes an assessment and analysis of a psychology-related problem or challenge. Your paper should adhere to the following guidelines:

• This should be a challenge encountered in an organization in which you currently work or have previously worked.

((((Note for the writer, can you make it where I worked at a private dental office before as an example here is the small dental office https://www(dot)csfamilydental(dot)com/ to give you an idea of the organization)))?

• Develop a potential solution using concepts or strategies from the course textbook and additional scholarly sources from the CSU-Global library.

• Provide sufficient detail when describing the problem, including the type of organization and division/department in which the problem occurred, as well as any other pertinent background factors.

• Write from a third-person perspective and with a professional-academic tone.

Adhere to the following requirements for the paper:

• Follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

• Include at least five and not more than seven full pages.

• Use at least five sources, including at least two peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles.

• Have an introduction and strong thesis.

• Make use of support and examples supporting your thesis.

• Finish with a forceful conclusion reiterating your main idea.

• Demonstrate critical thinking.

• Be free of grammar and spelling errors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Burnout and its Impact to an Individual and Job satisfaction
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Burnout and its Impact to an Individual and Job satisfaction
Professional burnout is a prevalent problem in almost every occupation and has a significant impact on professional conduct and how they deliver service. Kumar (2016) defines professional burnout as a long-term process of stress that leads to mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion. Occupational burnout is often accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and exhaustion and is a common cause of lack of job satisfaction. Prevalence of job burnouts affects individuals and groups as they are common causes of family and relationships problems. This paper discusses my experience with job burnout and how it affected my health and relationship with others at the private office at the CS Family Dental Hospital. Occupational burnout is an issue that requires immediate attention or else it can affect personal health and transfer adverse impacts to the clients and other people in workplaces.
Problem description at the CS Department of Health
I worked as a physician at a private office at the CS Family Dental. The organization deals with the treatment and caring for people with mental problems. I worked in busy private office where I served twenty to thirty patients within twelve-hours. My office did not have nurses to help in prescribing medication. Each doctor was responsible for receiving the patients, talking to them about their problems, and prescribing medication. I did not see this as a problem at first, because I felt that I was learning to become a responsible professional. However, after one month of service, I started getting exhausted and started questioning my profession. I felt that I needed someone to talk, someone to keep me company, and someone to help me in the office. This was my first experience with depression and I never thought that it could have adverse impact on my health.
One day I decided to talk to a colleague who was working in the next office. I asked him about his experience in his department and he told me that the hospital had reduced the number of nurses after buying technological machines that could enhance service delivery. While it is expected that technology should make work easy and complement human labor, the management at CS Family Dental had decided to reduce the number of nurses to reduce operational costs. None of the doctors had dared to talk to the management about work overload because the decision had been made by top management and it was the final. Three doctors had quit the hospital three months earlier and one of them quit during my second month at the office. The main reason was occupational stress, but the hospital management had not made any significant decision to address the issue. The department did not have a psychologist to help provide counseling services to physicians that were working under pressure. If one was traumatized, it was a personal responsibility to seek private service outside the facility.
How to Address Workplace Stress
Ebrahim and Atazadeh (2018) explain that stress is the leading cause of occupational burnout. Stress is defined as an internal response to external pressure. Khamisa, Brian, Peltzer, and Illic (2015) explain that stress does not occur overnight. Instead, it occurs gradually and eventually turns chronic. The major problem with stress is that it starts slowly and eventually builds up to the point where one cannot control it. Salvagioni, Melanda, Mesas, González, Gabani, and Andrade (2017) explain that the first intervention in treating stress is for one to acknowledge and admit that it exists. The major problem with many studies on this topic is that many people hardly discuss intervention strategies in coping with and managing burnout. Once one has identified the cause of stress, and then there is a need to focus on avoiding causes of stress and start a healing process.
The major problem with burnout is that it builds up over time. People suffering from burnout have to focus on developing individual goals and being mindful of their thoughts. Kumar (2016) explains that the first step of managing burnout is to manage stress at the individual level. One has to stop forcing things to work out. Instead, employees have to contend with what they have and where they are. People suffering from stress and b...
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