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The Relationship between Life Stress, Social Support, and Coping

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the relationship(s) between life stress, social support, and coping. What impact do these factors have on physical illness? What about psychological distress?

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The Relationship between Life Stress, Social Support, and Coping
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The central notion of the definition of stress is on the demand that challenges the adaptive resources of an individual. Stresses are referred to be the events or conditions that contribute to the development of physical or mental conditions that may result in stress development. Strategies toward stress management involve the creation of social support which greatly assist the stressed person to cope with the stressful situation (Badura & Kickbusch, 2015). The interaction between the three factors; stress, social support, and support have a greater influence on the development and management of physical illness and psychological distress as discussed herein.
Addressing the issue of stress takes a broader context due to diversity in causative factors which mainly differ by sex, age, living standards, and geographical location. The daily activities of human life lead to stressful situations especially when things don’t add up as one expects. Stress intensity leads to difficult moments of life among individuals which can seriously interfere with their job, family, social life, personal health, and even relationships. In the United State, for example, more than half of the total population are said to undergo family and friends conflict which results from life stress. Physical and emotional symptoms can be prevailed in over 70 percent of the population undergoing stressful moments in America.
Different situations and life experiences trigger different forms of stress among human being. A larger population admits that work is their major source of stress, with the impact being experienced beyond the workplaces. Work stress can affect personal life to the extent of even developing mental disorders or other adverse physical conditions. The major cause of stress in the workplace is being insecure about job advancement chances or job termination risk or even discrimination and harassment in the workplace. The financial crisis, relationship problems, job transfer or moving to a new place, development of chronic diseases, or experiencing a traumatic event like rape, sexual violence, theft, or natural disasters are also major causes of life stress among individuals.
Effects of stress among human being are widely controlled and minimized by the provision of social support to the affected person. Social support actually helps people to release their stress and feel less stressful despite their life situations or happenings. Also, it is proven that social support plays a major role in improving personal health, increasing the rate of recovery from physical and psychological diseases, and decreases mortality rate. Psychologists define social support as the act of communicating caring, that help in validating words from o...
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