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Reflection on Giving Feedback. Psychology Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

This is a social work essay where Student are required to write a reflective account on a topic discussed in the lecture and how the topic had impacted on their knowledge using the Gibbs model of reflection. The topic is Giving Feedback!!!!

The student explored the following

Giving both positive and negative feedback enables others to fully understand the impact

of what it is they are doing so that they can continue the effective and correct the


Feedback is intended to improve an individual’s contribution and develop better moral.

How do people commonly react to feedback

Concentrate on the positives

Recognition is a basic human need and a powerful motivator. Praise can also get people to relax.

• In any feedback session, always begin with the positives.

• Make sure that any praise given is judicious, sincere and deserved.

• Where outstanding performance is brought to your attention by others, make sure that you let the person responsible know.

• You can even create something positive out of people who present you with problems. Try and think of the flipside of the situation.

Keep feedback non-judgemental

Word your feedback so that it is a description of what occurred.

• Keep your feedback neutral and try not to make an evaluation in terms of good or bad,

right or wrong, nice or not nice.

• Leave out judgment-loaded words that imply blame, fault, mistake, and incompetence.

• Avoid emotive or critical terminology that could be interpreted as a personal attack, e.g.

avoid statements such as, “this just highlights your inability to deal with this essay”.

Make criticism constructive.

Focus feedback on the value it may have to the recipient

Provide feedback which serves the needs of the recipient rather than your own.

• Phrase any help or support as an offer, not an imposition.

• Whenever possible, treat mistakes as a learning opportunity.

• Focus feedback on the amount of information that the person receiving it can us

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection on Giving Feedback
Course Code:
Gibbs' Reflective Cycle was developed by Graham Gibbs in 1988 to give structure to learning from experiences. The Gibbs reflective cycle gives an individual a framework to examine experiences and help them to learn from experiences whether they were positive or negative CITATION Gib88 \l 1033 (Gibbs, 1988). Gibbs reflective cycle has 6 steps; description, feelings, evaluation, analysis conclusion and action plan.
The chapter on Giving Feedback detailed the role and importance of this process of communication. The course detailed content that explored why giving positive and negative feedback is important for people to fully understand the impact of what they are doing. The topic also explained in detail the core importance of feedback; to improve on an individual’s contribution and develop better moral mold. The course also explained why we need to concentrate on the positives while giving feedback. In explaining why concentration on positives is important, the topic covered the innate reasons why people crave positive feedback. Thus, we learned that in a feedback session we should always begin with the positives. We also learned that we have to make any praise sincere and judicious for maximum impact. The topic also covered some good practices to observe when giving feedback. We learned that it is important to keep feedback neutral and avoid the temptation to either make it good or bad. We learned to make sure that all criticism is constructive and it is aimed at providing value to the recipient. A safe strategy is to provide feedback that serves the needs of the recipients rather than our own and tailor the information to ensure that it is relevant, constructive and sufficient for the recipient for use.
I felt that the topic helped me to be open minded whenever am giving feedback. To avoid my own biases and judgmental attitude from clouding my judgment and striving to structure my feedback to have a positive impact on the recipient. After learning the importance of focusing on the positives while giving feedback, I feel that I can give better criticism to people which is anchored on the value I can create for them rather than seeking to satisfy my ego. I feel that I have learned a lot on feedback and how I can use it to improve other people. I also feel I have learned a lot on how to give the feedback focusing on the positives even in the face of challenges. I feel I have learned a few strategies that can help recipients of my feedback appreciate it and help them to become better.
The topic was an eye-opener. It dived deep into a subject in the social sciences sphere that to me seemed unimportant and or unnecessary and changed my perspective about it. Understanding the value of feedback and how to do it for maximum efficacy is important. I feel I have learned safe practices and strategies to give better constructive feedback than I used to. The person giving the feedback is also a message ‘sender’ and choice of communication medium is very important CITATION Mar09 \l 1033 (Guffey & Almonte, 2009). The chapter has not extensively covered how to choose the most appropriate medium when giving feedback. I also believe I have a log way to learn and understand how best to use feedback to help others. The structure of the course content is also perfect. It approaches the concept of feedback and gives it ’a basic need’ tag that ...
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