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Somatic Symptom Disorder

Essay Instructions:

Give examples of people you have known who have complained of symptoms or illnesses for which no medical explanation could be found. What do you feel may have given rise to those symptoms or in what way did the person seem to benefit from their complaints or “illness?”

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Somatic Symptom Disorder Student’s Name Institution Somatic Symptom Disorder About a year ago Michael began experiencing abdominal pain that was becoming progressively worse. The pain occurred on an irregular basis, was not located at a specific place in his abdomen; it was everywhere and was not always related to food intake. His attempts to change his diet and cut out wheat products, meat, and dairy products did not improve his situation. Despite quitting alcohol, the pain got more frequent and severe. Before he decided to seek medical help, his pain was so severe that he missed began missing a few days at work and would not join his family for an out of town trip for fear of having another attack. Michael made an appointment with the primary care physician at a local hospital who performed a comprehensive physical exam and noted down a detailed history of the entire course of Michael’s symptoms. Laboratory tests checking his overall health and autoimmune disorders came back normal. The doctor asked Michael to keep a log of his symptoms and anything that was related to them. During the following appointment, the doctor reviewed the log but could not identify what was causing Michael’s symptoms. The doctor noted how Michael was distressed by the symptoms affecting his work and relationships, particularly with his wife. The doctor asked Martin to come with his wife in the following appointment. At the meeting, Michael and his wife concurred that the symptoms had had adverse effects denying him the chance to experience happiness as they preoccupied his thoughts most the time. Michael seemed to suffer from depression and agreed to continue working with the doctor to establish the possible cause of his symptoms. Michael suffers...
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