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Self-Reflective Personal Development Portfolio

Essay Instructions:

This assignment requires the use of class knowledge to analyze an individual's life experience. The following are my fifteen life experiences, you can choose twelve to write. I provide the general content, writers please refer to these writing experiences. If the experience is not suitable, please contact me. The main part of the article is to analyze the experience by class knowledge, so please focus on the analysis part.

1. Before I was 12 years old, my parents stayed in other cities for a long time because of work, and we rarely met. I grew up with my grandmother and grandfather.

2. When I was 6 years old, I quarreled with my elders. I followed the plot I saw in the animation and ran away from home. But I didn't dare to leave my house too far, and I ended up being sent home by my neighbors.

3. Before the age of 8, there was no concept of gender, and I insisted on sleeping with my grandfather at night.

4. There are many brothers and sisters (three sisters and two brothers), I get along well with them, which makes it easier for me to get along well with others.

5. When I go to elementary school, I will adore my knowledgeable peers.

6. 12 years old, in junior high school, I went to the city where my parents worked at their request, because leaving the familiar environment made me introverted.

7. 14 years old, the English teacher in the junior high school was very strict with me. I chose to skip class because I didn't like her. In the end, I was taught a lesson by teachers and parents.

8. 15 years old, I went to the United States to study for two years in high school, and I saw many different opinions and scenes in the United States.

9. I quickly learned to live independently in America because I was away from my family.

10. Because learning is all about self-awareness, the literature teacher did not remind us of homework deadlines. Once, I didn't notice until two hours before the assignment was due. Even though I did my homework before the deadline, I have always made a schedule to remind myself since then.

11. When I was 16, I fell in love with an American boy. I thought he was handsome and athletic, but in the end, I broke up with him because he was so naive.

12. Severe anemia disturbed my daily life, and I stopped my studies and left the United States.

13. During my treatment, my parents' jobs changed, and they spent more time at home, and I only really got closer to them from then on.

14. After the half-year treatment, my parents sent me to Hong Kong to continue my studies. Unlike the US, the people here seem very busy, and I could not get used to it at first.

15. The unfamiliar environment and language have made me more introverted, and the popularity of online classes has caused me not to meet new friends in the past two years.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Self-Reflective Personal Development Portfolio
Author’s Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
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Assignment Due Date
Self-Reflective Personal Development Portfolio
The subsequent paper comprises a personal development portfolio, reflecting my experiences throughout my life span. While writing this reflection, I was intrigued with the extent of course knowledge and insights I gained through my life experiences and incidents. The reflection mainly focuses on development stages from early childhood to adolescence. As an individual, I underwent physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes during this period. During these psychological development stages, I realized that various factors shaped and affected my personal development and learning, including social norms, culture, ecology, and society.
The paper is a reflection on the process and periods of personal development. Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of Development also addresses relevant stages of my personal development through interactions within a social environment. I will discuss these stages with my own life experience and self-development and learn from the challenges faced during that stage. I identified 12 experiences from my life in the selected aspects of development:
I spent most of my early, middle, and late childhood with my grandparents. My parents were in other cities due to their respective jobs, and we rarely met with each other due to their professional commitments. Parents have a significant part in the child’s emotional regulation and personality development, and the kids who face peer absence or rejection develop negative emotions and turn out to be moody. Erikson states that every stage has its own positive or negative outcomes, influencing personal development. Erikson viewed early childhood as the most critical for development, and the encouragement and support at this stage shape the behavior. According to Sarwar (2016), Baumrind’s Theory of ParentingSstyle suggests that neglectful parenting results in social incompetence, immaturity, and low self-esteem of the child, which often resulted in my escape from the situation.
There was no concept of gender. I remember that I insisted on sleeping with my grandfather at night till the age of 8. The realization of gender identity came relatively late to me. As social cognitive theory suggests that it comes through social interaction, so I comprehended it after I observed and responded to the behavior of my siblings and peers around me. Analyzing my behavior from the perspective of Gender Schema Theory, gender appropriateness and inappropriateness in a culture build the recognition of different genders (Davis & Wilson, 2016). I realized gender concepts and distinct gender roles around me while in school.
Social influence has a significant role in shaping personality, and peer influence played an essential part in my development as a social member. I have three sisters and two brothers, and I get along with them quite well, making it a lot easier for me to socialize in elementary and high school, making new friends.
I argued with my elders during my early childhood, which sometimes turned into a quarrel. Being a lonely and scared child dependent on grandparents, I started to resist my dependence on older adults by disagreeing with them. I also ran away from home at 6 (Middle Childhood), triggered by the plot I saw in animation, but I was afraid to go too far away and not be able to return. I was timid yet trying to run away from the current situation. The situation is explained through behavioral and social cognitive theory. Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory suggests observation learning (Bandura, 1999). The respective theory states that social behavior is learned from my elders’ surrounding environment and behaviors. Ignored by my parents, I learned the situation from the animation plot I saw and followed the path.
I admired my peers who were good in studies and had good knowledge of things in my elementary school. The experience is supported through Piaget’s Theory of The Formal Operational Stage. He explained that from 11 years onwards, individuals engage in ideal characteristics, and they are fascinated by the abilities they aspire for themselves (Ahmad et al., 2016). I always wanted to be a brilliant student, which attracted me to knowledgeable peers.
Adolescence is considered a period of transition where an individual evolves from being a child to an adult. My personal development relied on how I was treated and my experiences. At this stage, the development of an individual depends upon his actions. This stage develops a sense of individual identity. According to Erikson’s theory, an individual attempts to take on several identities and roles, which often leads to an ‘identity crisis’ (Thies & Travers, 2009) during Erikson’s fifth stage of development, identity versus identity confusion. The adolescents who can overcome their crisis accomplish self-identity. And the others who struggle to overcome t...
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