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Anxiety, Emotional, and Psychological Issues Issues

Essay Instructions:

There are 3 parts. Please see attached

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be double‐spaced; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.

Objectives:      (1) Identify anxiety disorders.

                        (2) Describe the origin of emotional and psychological issues.

Part A

Susan, a college student, is anxious whenever she must speak. Her anxiety motivates her to prepare meticulously and rehearse material again and again. Is Susan’s reaction normal, or does she have an anxiety disorder? Explain two (2) criteria you used in arriving at your answer.

Part B

In recent years, several best-selling books have argued that most emotional problems can be traced to an unhappy or traumatic childhood (an abusive or dysfunctional family, “toxic” parents, and suppression of the “inner child”). What are two (2) possible benefits of focusing on childhood as the time when emotional problems originate, and what are two (2) possible drawbacks? 

Part C

Suppose a member of your family has become increasingly depressed in recent months, and it’s apparent that the person needs treatment. You’re chosen to look into the options and to make decisions about the treatment. Based on information in Chapter 16, how might you proceed? Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your plan of action.

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Anxiety, Emotional, And Psychological Issues
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Anxiety, Emotional, And Psychological Issues

Part A

The case indicates that Susan remains anxious while speaking, suggesting that she has an anxiety disorder. According to American Psychiatric Association (2013), a person that presents with symptoms characteristic of intense fear related to social situations or instances where they become exposed to scrutiny by other people translates to social anxiety disorder. Susan’s reactions, including meticulous preparations and rehearsing her materials, often display her fears that her peers or educators may negatively evaluate her. As a result, her worries demonstrate she has constant or sustained concerns of being judged as unlikable, stupid, or weak. As a result, she tries to compensate for the fears of being perceived negatively by others in society by conducting thorough preparations repetitively. American Psychiatric Association (2013) reveals that such a behavior emerges as unusual and driven by fears. Thus, despite being a college student who should have developed sufficient courage while speaking based on her education level, Susan’s reactions demonstrate that they are not typical. Thus, she suffers from an anxiety disorder.

Her behavior coincides with the description of social phobia or social anxiety disorders. American Psychiatric Association (2013) describes various diagnostic criteria healthcare providers use to inform their diagnosis. One of these is that individual displays marked anxiety or fear related to one or several social incidents where they remain exposed to likely scrutiny by the public. These situations comprise engaging in a conversation, performing for an audience, or being observed. This criterion reveals Susan’s anxiety before speaking, affirming that her condition satisfies the first diagnostic criteria. American Psychiatric Association (2013) also qualifies presence of concern if the fears that a person displays do not arise from other psychological implications of a substance, including prescription medication, drug abuse, or other diagnosed illnesses. In this context, the case does not highlight such aspects, confirming that Susan’s anxiety remains inherent. As a result, one can conclusively indicate that she suffers from a social anxiety disorder.

Part B

Linking emotional problems to traumatic childhood represents the formal criteria in explaining their emergence. Schmid (2013) indicates that this approach assists healthcare professionals and society to understand the dire ramifications of neglect, child abuse, and traumatization in individuals as they develop throughout their lifespan. The author acknowledges that childhood experiences represent the formative years that can shape or break an individual’s mental health. As a result, this approach in tracing mental problems avails an effective mechanism that stakeholders can exploit for eff...

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