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Role of Nature and Nurture in Child Development

Essay Instructions:

Thinking about the Nature/Nurture Issue in Child Development

One of the single most basic questions in child development is the role of nature and nurture in development. The purpose of this assignment is to think more deeply about this issue. In your exploration of the nature/nurture issue, please use the Unit 2 Assignment Template to address the following five points. The points should be addressed using complete sentences and citing the source for any information that is not your own.

1) In your own words, define the term nature and define the term nurture.

2) The controversy regarding nature versus nurture dates back hundreds of years. Using Chapter 1 of the textbook, imagine a debate between John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau on the nature-nurture controversy. Summarize the argument each historical figure would make for either the nature side of the debate or the nurture side of the debate.

3) Peruse Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and/or Chapter 4 of your textbook for two examples of nature and two examples of nurture. Be sure to cite the textbook information/research findings to support your ideas. Explain how each of your examples illustrate nature or nurture.

4) Contemporary developmentalists now grant roles to both the influence of nature and nurture on development, but believe the relative contribution of each influence can vary. To understand the relationship between nature and nurture, scientists have proposed various ways to understand how nature and nurture work together. Concepts that have been proposed include Gene-Environment Interaction, Gene-Environment Correlation, and Epigenesis. Using Chapter 2 of the textbook, briefly describe each concept, making clear which one you believe explains the relationship between nature and nurture best.

5) Your opinion: Based on the Unit 1 and Unit 2 readings, do you think nature, or nurture, or both play(s) the bigger role in development? Why?

Textbook: Infants, Children, and Adolescents

Laura E. Berk

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Assignment Child and Adolescent

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Definition of Nature and Nurture

In child development, "nature" refers to genetic and biological variables that affect growth and development. Genetic predispositions, hereditary traits, and other parental effects are among these factors. However, "nurture" refers to environmental and experiential variables that shape growth. Family, culture, education, and social contacts affect a child's upbringing and development.

Locke vs. Rousseau Debate

Famous thinkers John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau disagreed on nature-nurture. Locke, a nurturer, believed that people are born blank slates (tabula rasa) and that their experiences and environment mold them. Rousseau, a nature advocate, believed in human goodness and natural growth, arguing that society and its institutions corrupt people.

Examples of Nature and Nurture from the Textbook

Nature Examples

Genetics and IQ: Research shows that genetics affect IQ (Berk, 2022). Children of high-IQ parents are genetically predisposed to better cognitive abilities.

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