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The Impact of Mindfulness Training on Performance Enhancement in Athletes

Essay Instructions:

This is a continuation of week #5, where you selected a topic of interest and chose five APA references:

Your paper should be a minimum of 3 pages in length, plus a title page and reference page for a total of 5 pages.

In the Issue Analysis Paper, you have selected a topic, issue, or subject relating to sports psychology, and now you are asked to analyze the topic in the first half of the paper.

First, identify an important issue related to sport psychology and describe that issue in detail during the first half of the paper. Then, in the paper's second half, analyze the issue and suggest solutions. Analysis requires breaking a subject, issue, or event into its constituent elements so that the assumptions or components are made clear and the relationships between them are made explicit.

Thus, through the analysis paper, the student demonstrates comprehension of the material being analyzed. Sport psychology is interdisciplinary; you can borrow topics and subjects from other areas in which you have an interest, but we must be sure the topic relates to sports psychology.

Issues can include mental or physical conditions, performance, goal-setting and imagery, aggression and violence, group processes, competition, etc. The paper is not a personal opinion or reflection-style paper. As such, it should not include personal stories or observation sharing but must analyze the issue; the personal, you or I, must be left out of your thinking and writing. You should write from a 3rd-person point of view (the most objective and analytical), as though your readers are intelligent but not fully informed about the topic.

Your paper must be developed using research material from at least five sources. You may also use the Internet for some of your material as long as you access scholarly resources and not popular media such as Sports Illustrated, Psychology Today, opinion .com sites or blogs, About.com sites or others that do summarizing for readers, abstracts without reading the full article, etc. No Wikipedia articles may be used for these papers or any other writing assignment in this course.

Never use bullet points in crafting your narratives in the class.

All sources must be APA compliant and listed the "References" or Reference Page pages (not "Works Cited" or "Bibliography" - those aren't APA format terms, and without the quotation marks) attached to the end of the papers.

You must also cite the material within the body of your paper, using the American Psychological Association (APA) format.

Papers are to be typed and double-spaced using Times New Roman 12-point font throughout, including the Title and Reference Pages. The pages should be full and margins should be no larger than 1" on all sides. The APA compliant Title and Reference Pages are in addition to the (minimum) three-page length requirement.

For the writer, please use the topic proposal paper you wrote as your tool for this paper and use the references for that.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Impact of Mindfulness Training on Performance Enhancement in Athletes

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Professor Name


The Impact of Mindfulness Training on Performance Enhancement in Athletes

Description of the Issue in Sports Psychology

An intriguing and developing field within sports psychology is the study of how mindfulness training might improve athletes' performance. Mindfulness practices have recently gained popularity in the sports world due to their ability to improve performance and overall health and their long-standing reputation for positive effects on mental health. This investigation evaluates the influence of mindfulness training that is especially suited for athletes to look into the diverse impacts on performance enhancement. According to Li et al. (2019), athletes' ability to concentrate, cope with stress, and perform at a higher level is affected by the incorporation and effectiveness of mindfulness techniques. This research thoroughly examines the relationship to clarify the fundamental components and possible routes that contribute to the link between mindfulness training and athletic performance. Looking into this topic can provide a thorough evaluation and even some solutions for improving players' mental and physical performance on the field.

Within sports psychology, the selected topic of the effect of mindfulness training on improving athletes' performance represents a paradigm shift toward bettering players' emotional resilience and physical performance. There has been growing interest in the practice of mindfulness, which entails paying attention in the here and now and accepting one's internal experiences without judgment, as a means to improve mental

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