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Public Service Announcement to Help Older Adults Understand Emerging Adults

Essay Instructions:

1. Watch three videos found in the Resource section for this Public Service Announcement for Emerging Adults Assignment, taking notes using the study guides provided.
2. Based on what you learn, write a PSA (public service announcement) to help older adults (parents, employers, pastors, etc.) understand emerging adults. Use these questions to organize your thoughts about emerging adulthood:
 Who are they? Define general characteristics.
 What are they doing? What developmental tasks are generally a part of this life stage (hint: think about Erikson’s theory).
 What are their major concerns?
 Which presentation provides the best advice? Which advice that was given is least helpful? What advice would you give your previous self (if you are past this stage) or your current self (if you are currently in emerging adulthood)?
3. Your Public Service Announcement for Emerging Adults Assignment must contain 300 – 500 words.
4. At least one specific idea from each of the videos must be included. You may also include information from Scripture, our textbook or other scholarly sources.
5. Identify your sources with an APA formatted citation and reference entry (current edition). Please contact your instructor if you have any questions about this. 6. Submit your work. Below are video links to copy and paste into search engine for videos

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A person may feel as if he is caught in the middle. The central question in a situation where there is a gray area and no solid black or white areas is, “this or that?”. This period of life is considered emerging adulthood. It is a concept of development for the period from the late teens through the twenties. In the past, during the adolescence stage, young people had already established their roles in terms of love and career. These roles would form the foundation of their adult lives instantly since they serve as a guiding path. However, everything has changed, and it no longer applies today. Emerging adults are now allowed to explore freely.
Emerging adulthood is defined as a period of “feeling in between.” It is a period where most changes and explorations happen. Emerging adulthood is a stage that occurs when a person is stuck between a fully developed adulthood and adolescence (TEDx Talks, 2015). Emerging adults are young people aged 18 to 15. According to TED (2013), emerging adults are people in their twenties, so they are “twentysomethings.” These twentysomethings are still finishing their education and are not yet prepared for the following chapters of their lives, which include marriage and having children. At this stage, emerging adults are directed on actions that will shape their future.
Emergent adults are characterized as focused on academics, sports, romantic relationships, and instability. They are so focused on building their future adult life that they already forget their relationship with God (Wheaton College, 2016). In general, their characters show instability in the various aspects of life, identity exploration, and belongingness between adolescence and adulthood. Erik Erikson suggests that people of this age build close friendships or long-term partnerships (Orenstein & Lewis, 2021). These young people must be purposeful when it comes to...
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