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DSM-5 Case on Separation Anxiety Disorder

Essay Instructions:
  1. Presenting problem (20%)

○     Describe your client's presenting concerns (level of distress, specific symptoms, etc.). In other words, explain why your client came to your office (i.e., their presenting problems).

○     Give a brief history of the presenting concerns (problems). For example, how has the problem changed over time? How long has the person dealt with this issue?

○     Describe the person's general history (e.g., developmental, family, social, and work).

○     Diagnosis: Explain how your client meets the criteria for a specific disorder in the DSM-5. You should systematically take me through the criteria, explaining which criteria are met and which are not. Also, you want to explain why you chose this diagnosis instead of another one (i.e., differential diagnosis). For example, why did you choose Major Depressive Disorder instead of Persistent Depressive Disorder?

  1. Other factors (20%)

○     Discuss factors that may have influenced the presenting concern and treatment. Factors include culture, race, religion, age, and gender. You may discuss other factors as well.

○     Make sure to explain how these factors specifically impact presenting concerns and treatment and cite relevant research.

  1. Case conceptualization (20%)

○     Use at least two different theories (paradigms) to explain why your client is experiencing the trouble that they are experiencing. You can use paradigms that we discussed in class or ones you have learned about in other courses (e.g., psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive behavioral, behavioral, biological, etc.). If you are struggling to remember what paradigms are, check out Lesson 2 and your assignment for that week!

○     You should specifically explain these theories and cite relevant research. 

  1. Course of treatment (20%)

○     Choose an intervention (or more than one if you like—but not more than two). Why this treatment? It is empirically support, well researched?

○     Discuss the course of treatment for your client. Be realistic. What went well? What went poorly? What is the client still working on?

○     Make sure to cite research to support your choice of treatment.

  1. Include relevant and specific references (use APA format—see below for more detail) (20%).

○     Use APA format correctly for in-text citations.

○     Use APA format correctly for the reference section.

○     Use appropriate and specific references (e.g., course text, DSM-5, research articles).

○     Avoid web pages with generic information meant for the general public.

While you may cite from the course text and the DSM-5, they are not intended to be the principal research tools for you to use. I expect you to utilize additional scholarly resources (e.g., book chapters, peer referenced journal articles, etc.). I do not want you to use general online resources, such as Wikipedia and the like. The case study should be written in APA format. If you don’t know what this is, look it up or email me.

Have fun with this exam/paper/project! It is intended to synthesize the information that we have covered and allow you to examine a particular disorder of interest in more breadth and depth. The paper should be a minimum of 8 pages of text and a maximum of 12 pages of text, not including references, tables, and so on. Times New Roman, 12 point should be used. Not adhering to these guidelines will result in a reduction of your grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

DSM-5 Case Study
Student's Name
University Affiliation
Professor's Name
Course Title
Due Date
Part 1: Case Study: Separation Anxiety Disorder
Presenting Concerns
Clarita, a five-year-old girl, has exhibited certain symptoms that her parents (Mike and Ann) think are depression symptoms. They recently moved to California from Florida due to their business ventures. They changed Clarita's home environment, but they also changed her school, where she is uncomfortable and distressed. Clarita has been crying a lot for the past month when Ann (her mother) has to leave for work. She seems more quiet and unwilling to make new friends within their new apartment. She wakes up earlier than everyone else to watch her mother prepare breakfast. For the past four days, she has been causing tantrums every morning so that her mother can train her to leave for work.
She refuses to go to school, making her parents apply force on her, which causes distress for Clarita and her parents all day long. She is usually evidently sad at school and keeps asking her teacher about her parents' whereabouts. She cries a lot at night so that she can sleep on her parents' bed. She is the only child of Mike and Ann, and they are worried that she is going through depression which might affect her till adulthood. Her parents are apprehensive about her situation, mainly because she had a nightmare where she was calling out to her mother last night. She has had a prolonged loss of appetite for one month and frequently complains of headaches and stomachaches, which her parents are unsure might be reasons to skip school. She fears the darkness, and sometimes her mother spends the better part of the night holding her on her lap.
History of the Presenting Concern and a General History
Mike and Ann moved to California approximately one month ago, where the problem started. As the days pass, Clarita's situation seems to get worse. Mike and Ann report that they have done their best to make her adjust to the new environment by holding a mega party for her, taking her out to the park, buying her new toys, sweet-talking her, and convincing little children of her age to spend time with her. Back in Florida, Clarita was a bubbly girl who was social and outgoing. She has always excelled at school and has had typical milestones. Her family has always been together in their rural home in Florida, and they only moved a month ago for the first time.
Based on Clarita’s presenting concerns, she has a separation anxiety disorder (SAD). SAD is characterized by having extreme anxiety that supersedes the expectations based on age and development. The first criterion in diagnosing SAD is when a person has extreme and excessive distress, usually recurrent (APA, 2013). The distress occurs when they anticipate separation or are separated from someone they are attached to. Clarita’s case meets this criterion in how she cries and wails when her mother has to leave for work. She even causes tantrums so that she as well accompany her mother to work. The second criterion in diagnosing SAD is when a person is worried about the whereabouts and well-being of the person they are attached to when away from them (APA, 2013). The person with SAD constantly wants to keep in touch with the attachment figure. Clarita’s case meets this criterion in the way she is usually sad at school and keeps asking her teacher about her parents’ whereabouts.
The third criterion in diagnosing SAD is having distress about events that are yet to happen, such as being kidnapped or getting lost in the streets. They worry that in case something as unfortunate as that happens, they will be permanently separated from the attachment figure (APA, 2013). Clarita's case does not meet this criterion, as she is always either at home or at school, where she might be feeling yet distressed about being away from her parents. The fourth criterion is the refusal and reluctance to go out as one is afraid of being separated from the attachment figure (APA, 2013). The criterion applies in Clarita’s case as she refuses to go out to school or even play with the children within her apartment.
The fifth criterion especially seen in children is having a clinging behavior towards their attachment figures. They have an excessive fear of being alone, and they require their attachment figure to always be with them (APA, 2013). The criterion applies to Clarita's case in how she clings to her mother at night and always wants to sleep on her parents' bed. Her case also applies to criterion six, where the person with SAD refuses to go to bed without the presence of the attachment figure or sleeping away from home (APA, 2013). The sixth criterion is having physical symptoms such as nightmares, headaches, vomiting, and abdominal pain when the person is away from their attachment figure (APA, 2013). The same can be observed in Clarita’s case, where she complains of headaches and stomachaches.
Differential Diagnosis
Clarita's symptoms are evidence of SAD. However, a generalized anxiety disorder may exhibit symptoms similar to SAD. A generalized anxiety disorder differs from SAD in that the latter shows excessive anxiety and distress due to separation from attachment figures (APA, 2013). In SAD, other concerns/worries that occur do not overcrowd the significant clinical concern.
Part Two: Factors Influencing the Presenting Concern
Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is when an individual exhibits excessive anxiety or fear of separation from home or those closely attached to them (Orgilés et al., 2018). Individuals with SAD experience excessive distress than expected at their developmental stage when separated from their close attachments.
In this case, Clarita exhibited symptoms of SAD, including crying and causing tantrums when her mother is leaving for work, refusing to go to her new school, crying at night to be allowed to sleep on her parent's bed, and asking her teacher about the whereabouts of her parents. She also experienced comorbid somatic symptoms such as headaches and stomachaches. Clarita's SAD is most likely caused by the change in her home environment and moving to a new school.
Various factors may influence the development of SAD during the lifetime. Genetic factors contribute to the development of anxiety disorders such as SAD. The risk will be more if both parents have a history of SAD or other psychiatric disorders. Females are more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders compared to their male counterparts. By six years, girls are likely to have experienced SAD twice as likely as boys (APA, 2013). Parental anxiety is associated with an increased risk of SAD among their children, especially among mothers and their daughters.
The appropriate separation anxiety in a child's development occurs between six and twelve months. Separation anxiety peaks at three years and eventually dies off naturally. However, the anxiety may exceed the appropriate age and diagnose as childhood SAD (Creswell et al., 2020). One to four percent of the pediatric population has SAD, and the onset is seen at approximately six to seven years. Although SAD was initially diagnosed in childhood only, current research indicates that start is also prevalent in adulthood and is now listed under DSM-5 (APA, 2013). Adult SAD presents during late adolescence or early adulthood at the average age of 23 years.
Parental loss or separation is associated with an increased risk of developing SAD. The loss could present in the form of the death of a loved one, illness of a relative, immigration, change of schools or neighborhood, or parental divorce (Creswell et al., 2020). Furthermore, parental factors can contribute to children having SAD. Anxious attachment of infants increases their risk of developing anxiety disorders during their lifetime compared to securely attached infants. Therefore, parents with SAD cannot manage their anxiety and cannot manage that of their offspring (Creswell et al., 2020). Maladaptive parenting practices expose the child to the risk of developing SAD.
Cultural factors may also play a role in the development of SAD. Various cultures have different expressions towards the separation of parents and their offspring. The age at which children are expected to detach from their parents or leave their parents differs among cultures. SAD is, therefore, more common among some communities than others. For instance, the USA and Russia have higher anxiety rates than Asia (Creswell et al., 2020).
Exposure to violence and bullying in school increases the probability of developing SAD. Children who have experienced victimization during childhood develop fear and anxiety, which eventually develop anxiety disorders such as SAD (Creswell et al., 2020). Traumatic childhood experiences such as sexual harassment are also linked to anxiety disorders among children. Other adversities include childhood maltreatment and deprivation of appropriate childhood experience.
Treatment of SAD includes cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a treatment plan that helps a child to take control of their anxiety. This therapy also enables a child to recognize the triggers of their stress and learn how to manage their fear of separation (Creswell et al., 2020). CBT may be combined with medication to help them feel calm. However, medication is sparingly used in children as it may cause side effects. Antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors may be used for adults and adolescents.
Emotion-Focused CBT (ECBT) supports children with anxiety disorders by addressing the child's emotions related to anxiety. This therapy involves exposing the individual to situations that trigger anxiety or provoke emotions (Creswell et al., 2020). After exposure, the children are then supported to manage the provoking scenarios. Exposure therapy is also a form of CBT where individuals are gradually exposed to triggering scenarios, and the therapist helps them overcome their anxiety (Creswell et al., 2020). The strategies learned during therapy are applied in situations outside of therapy to reinforce the desired habits.
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