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5 Big Ideas on The Little Albert Experiment in 1920

Essay Instructions:

Update from the client:
"A famous research study . The Little Albert Experiment, 1920."

Brief Overview:
Choose one topic covered this semester in PSY101 and prepare a 2-page summary (500 word minimum) that conveys 5 big ideas about the topic.
Creae a project (e.g., pamphlet, podcast, brochure, artwork, more ideas below) to share this information with an audience of your choice. Note: You will submit your project as part of the assignment but you do not need to actually present it to your audience.
Write a personal reflection (50 word minimum) on what you learned from doing the project.
Upload the summary, project, and personal reflection to Canvas by the due date: May 12.

Detailed Description:
Throughout this semester, you will be exposed to a wide variety of psychological constructs and their applications. For your final project in this course, you will pick one topic that you think is really important for people to know. Then, you will devise a way to share this information with a specific audience.

Step 1: Choose a psychological theory or construct that we have covered in introductory psychology.
Look through the chapters and pick a topic that you found particularly interesting and want to learn more about. You can pick anything that was covered this semester in PSY 101. You can pick any topic you found interesting but here are some examples
A famous psychologist
A famous research study
The role of the frontal lobes
The importance of sleep
Real-world examples of Gestalt perception
Use of operant conditioning in school
How to avoid problem-solving biases
Techniques for improving memory
How parenting style affects a child's development
How to motivate others
Cultural differences in personality
Prejudice and discrimination
Creating work-life balance
Techniques to cope with stress
Any psychological disorder or category of disorders
Reducing barriers to therapy

Note: Make sure to pick a topic that has at least 5 big ideas that you can summarize in 500 words or more (100 words for each idea). You must provide an explanation of the topic that is comprehensive and easy to understand.

Step 2: Identify the audience who needs this information (You will not actually present to this audience).

This step is important because the nature of the information you prepare and how you present the information may change depending upon your chosen audience.
If my topic was aggression and my audience is women at a women’s shelter, I will present primarily information that relates to women.
If my topic is the function of different areas of the brain and my audience is children, a children’s book, video or song would be most appropriate.

Step 3: Decide on the format for your project/report – here are a few ideas:
A press release (~500 words)
A persuasive blog post (~500 words)
A recorded visual presentation w/PowerPoint (~10 minutes in length)
A podcast (~10 minutes in length)
A children’s story (if your audience is little ones)
A song (~3 minutes long)
A art gallery display
An animation
A interest page
A how-to brochure

Not seeing anything you like here? Feel free to propose a format!

Step 4: Summarize the 5 big ideas of your psychological topic in 500 words or more. Learn more about your topic. Review the information in the textbook and videos and search out additional scholarly or popular press articles. Before citing articles from the popular press, apply the CRAAP TestLinks to an external site. and look for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose. Then, in a document that you will upload:

List your topic
List your audience
Clearly label each big idea and describe it in at least 100 words using scholarly/formal writing
Include a References page that lists your sources in the citation style of your choice (e.g., APA, MLA)
Personal reflection (see Step 6)

Step 5: Work your magic! Put together an innovative project to share this psychological information. Convey your information in a manner that is easy for your audience to understand. Assume they know nothing about the topic. Your project should display each of your 5 big ideas in some manner (written, spoken, visual).

If you are submitting a written project (like a blog post), be sure to write your project differently from your summary. Your summary should use scholarly/formal writing while your project needs to have writing suitable for your audience.

Step 6: Write a personal reflection (50-word minimum) on your experience with this project. Include in your personal reflection:

Why you chose the topic
Why you chose the audience
What you learned from the project

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Famous research study: The Little Albert Experiment, 1920
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Institutional Affiliation
Famous research study: The Little Albert Experiment, 1920
Psychologists John Watson and his colleagues examined a nine-month-old baby named Albert B. as part of the Little Albert experiment. Watson hoped to extend Pavlov's results and show that humans may be classically conditioned to respond to certain stimuli. Watson's investigation included a variety of incentives, including albino chimpanzees and albino white rats. First, the trainer demonstrated to Albert that each animal was friendly and allowed him to touch it. After concluding that he was unfazed by the fluffy animals, he checked on Albert. Watson smashed a metal pipe with a hammer every time Albert reached for the white rat to make him detest the other animals. This topic is good for the student audience.
Albert was unfazed by the white rat
To keep Albert from becoming despondent, Watson repeatedly performed the procedure while Albert was crying and frightened of touching the white rat (Digdon, 2020). He decided to test Albert's phobia of animals and other fuzzy objects without using the steel bar. Watson first introduced him to the dog and then the white rat to get Albert's attention. Albert's eyes welled up with tears at the sight of each animal and object shown to him. Emotional responses can be trained in humans. A nine-month-old baby named Albert was subjected to cruel treatment in this experiment, as were other animals. Because of his phobia of animals, he feels the effects of being compelled to interact with them. As for goodwill and non-harm rule, a psychologist is prohibited from causing any harm to their patient.
Watson's slap on the rat frightened Albert
Psychiatrists have recently speculated that Little Albert's ordeal with the doll may have left him scarred. An additional immoral aspect of this experiment was that neither the participant nor Alberts could ever withdraw from the operation. The patient can stop participating in psychological studies at any point today. In a Psychologized essay on the topic, Albert and his mother were not given any such rights. According to Principle E, psychologists should treat all people with respect for their humanity; Watson had also breached this principle (Georgiadou, 2021). Watson has also broken this rule by doing so. Individuals and groups whose weaknesses make it difficult for them to make independent judgments on their own may require additional precautions, and psychologists are well aware of this.
The white rat and its accompanying screams lead to a fear of rats in children
As a result of these improvements, the experiment will meet the definition of an ethical one. It would help if one reme...
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