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Psychology Paper: Diagnosing Psychological Disorders

Essay Instructions:

Diagnosing Psychological Disorders

For this assignment, you need to come up with FIVE characters (from books, movies, or television) that you suspect could be classified as having a psychological disorder.   For each character you need to:

1. Identify the character.

Describe who they are and where you found them (book character, television character, etc.).  If the character is someone we are all familiar with, you don’t need to go into too much detail.

2. Make your diagnosis

What disorder do you suspect they have?

3. Describe why you would make this diagnosis

What symptoms does the character display which lead you to suspect they have the particular psychological disorder.

4. Treatment recommendations

Based on what you learned in chapter 14, what therapeutic approach do you think would be most beneficial?

Here is an example.

The first character I chose is Eyore from the Winnie the Pooh books.  I think Eyore has unipolar depression. The reason I think he has depression is due to the following symptoms.  He always has a negative mood (sad, gloomy) as well as a pessimistic thinking style (he always things the worst is going to happen, he ruminates on negative events). He also shows a negative attributional style (He makes external attributions when things go right and internal attributions when things go wrong).  He is also very lethargic, showing not energy or interest in things.  If I were to recommend treatment to Eyore, I think I would suggest he see a Cognitive-Behavioral therapist. This approach has been very successful in treating depression.  He may also need antidepressants since he may have abnormally low levels of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Psychology Paper Author Name Institution Affiliation The first character I am going to discuss is that of Jack Lucas (from The Fisher King) who suffers from depression. Basically, Jack is a person who tells everything without any hesitation, and some listeners think that he is joking. The disease is developed due to his loneliness. He falls into the depressive spell years after he withdraws himself from the outside world. The way he reacts to different situations and the behavior he shows clearly prove that Jack Lucas has a serious psychological problem. He attempts to commit suicide in the movie, in order to escape from his uncertain mental condition. Such a patient should be provided with proper counseling. Decreased energy, feelings of restlessness or fatigue, thoughts of death and suicide and suicide attempts are some of the major signs of chronic depression. We Need to Talk about Kevin was released in 2011. The second character I am going to talk about is that of Kevin, who grows up to be a maniac. He loves killing sprees without any solid reason. He basically has an antisocial personality disorder, and the signs of the disease are visible from his young age. For example, Kevin does not show any empathy toward his mother and is not ready to understand that his disruptive and disrespectful behavior is not acceptable. A person with this disease has a history of aggressive behavior and misconduct. It is believed that people with an antisocial personality disorder have no sense of what is right and wrong, show irresponsible behavior and have a lack of guilt. The treatment depends on a person’s particular situation, the severity of symptoms and the patient’s willingness to get recovered. In most circumstances, psychotherapy is suggested which consists of treatment for substance abuse, violence management, and anger management. Lieutenant Dan Taylor portrays Po...
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