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Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy

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This paper should reflect you perspective of the chapter.

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Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] [Name of the Subject] [Date] Reflection In the previous times, the behaviour therapists utilized learning theory for training the parents as well as teaching skills to couples. However, it was observed that this theory was adequate for resolving simpler issues but it failed to identify how poor communication and misbehaviour were entrenched within the family system. Hence, the scholars made constant efforts to devise behavioural family therapy grounded on the cognitive principles while emphasizing on the family dynamics. In the 10th chapter of his writing, Michael Nichols focus on the cognitive behavioural family therapy. This chapter of the book described the evolution of the models. Accordingly, the initial principles of behavioural therapy came into limelight in the year 1948. Along these lines, Wolpe developed Systematic decentization concept whereas Skinner postulated that behaviour is regulated by its consequences. In this chapter, the author also highlighted the valuable work of Patterson who pioneered behavioural parent training. The principles of Patterson were grounded on the assumption that f parents modify their contingencies reinforcement, then the behaviour of children will transform accordingly. The author of the book adequately explained the approaches of Patterson through illustrations. The behavioural family therapy during the era of 1970s, evolved into three major categories including parent training, sex therapy as well as behavioural couples therapy. This segment of the book put forward a comprehensive definition of the cognitive behaviour therapy. He described it as the approaches enthused by the efforts of Albert Ellis and Aron Beck. Both these phenomenal writing emphasized on the importance of the changes in attitude for stimulating changes in the behaviour and at the same time maintaining it. The author proposed a cognitive mediation model according to which explicit cognitions of a person mediate his actions. In the later 1980s and earkly 1990s, the approach of cognitive behaviour was extensively being utilized by the family therapists. Following a detailed description of the evolution of the family behavioural model, the author put forward the basic premise of behaviourism. To further enhance the understanding of this concept, this chapter incorporated the theory of social exchange devised by the Thibaut and Kelly. This theory notes that individuals aim to diminish the costs and at the same maximize rewards in their relationships. I believe that this theory is significant in building successful family relationships. The author also included the behavioural exchange theory to underscore a balanced relationship. As per this theory, a successful relationship is grounded on equilibrium between receiving and presenting. Moreover, the wor...
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