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Ecstasy In Therapy: Recreational Drugs For Medicinal Purposes

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Ecstasy in Therapy Name: Institution: Course: There has been a lot of advocacy on the use of some recreational drug for medicinal purposes. The medications in the picture are marijuana; which the advocates for therapeutic use have cited that it helps to ease pain in a cancer patient, and anxiety caused by the predisposing condition. The debate has also included drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine. But my fear is independence of this drug, even as the advocates have insisted the usefulness of this drug in medicine but they have not informed us if the patient has grown to be dependent on the drug. If natural painkillers have dependency results to the patient especially the patient with the predisposing condition, then the recreational medicines might have the same effects. Also, there is not enough scientific research done on these drugs for medicinal purpose, if there was enough experimental data to support the use of this drug, and then there would be approved by relevant bodies. The recreational drug will not have a permanent solution to the patients. The medicines which advocated to like pain killers; this to me is not a solution especially when the pains that have are treatable. From the observation of the effect of this drug in recreational users, I fear the patient displaying the same physical impact like mental instability. Lessons from Lysergic Acid Diethylamide research on its use in psychotherapy and life threating condition has revealed some positivity and negativity in medicine. Lysergic acid diethylamide was a drug that was discovered in 1938 by a Swiss chemist known as Albert Hoffman. However, its psychoactive effects were observed in 1943 by Hoffmann, 1979 (Peter G et al. 2014). From its early times, LSD was a psychoactive research drug, and by at the time, the researchers dis...
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