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Psychology of Investigations
Essay Instructions:
In an essay of 800-1,200 words, review the contemporary research on eyewitness identification.
Locate a minimum of three peer-reviewed research study articles written in the last 10 years to support your discussion.
Choose at least one peer-reviewed research study to support each of the three areas of discussion (fallibility of memory, suggestive questioning, and suggestive line-ups).
Discuss the role of the forensic psychologist in all three areas:
fallibility of memory
suggestive questioning
suggestive line-ups
Discuss what the current psychological research says about:
fallibility of memory in eyewitness identification
the impact of suggestive questioning on eyewitness memory recall
suggestive line-up procedures in forensic settings
Discuss the specific research study findings from each of the three peer-reviewed articles.
Discuss suggestions for future research on fallibility of memory, suggestive questioning, and suggestive line-ups.
Discuss suggestions to increase the reliability of eyewitness identification.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Psychology of Investigations
Grand Canyon University: PSY-310
Psychology of Investigations
The application of psychology in criminal investigations has gained significant popularity in recent years. The role of psychology in criminal investigations involves carrying out behavioral analysis to retrieve information from a crime scene (Leach et al., 2023). In particular, the investigations involve identifying discernible behavioral patterns that can help to link an offender to the scene of crime. Investigative psychology can play a vital role in offender profiling research to link offenders to the scenes of crime. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of psychology in forensic investigations.
The Fallibility of Memory in Eyewitness Identification
The fallibility of memory is an important consideration when selecting a person who can testify before a court of law. Shaw (2020) argues that stakes are usually high in criminal investigations and thus it is important to have witnesses who can provide accurate information about a suspect. The inability of witnesses to recall information can have far-reaching legal implications since it is likely to lead to imprisonment of innocent people.
The Role of the Forensic Psychologist in Fallibility of Memory
The role of the forensic psychologist in fallibility of memory is to determine the accuracy of information that witnesses present in a court of law. Most importantly, Shaw (2020) noted that forensic psychologists help to determine if the information witnesses share is accurate and reflects the events.
Suggestions for Future Research on Fallibility of Memory
Fallibility of memory is a forensic issue that needs attention. Research can play an important role in addressing the shortfalls that come with fallibility of memory. One of the areas of research that are needed in the fallibility of memory is ways to improve the ability to recall information. It is also important to undertake additional research to identify factors that contribute to the fallibility of memory.
The Impact of Suggestive Questioning on Eyewitness Memory Recall
Suggestive questioning plays an important role in influencing the ability of eyewitnesses to recall their memory. Suggesting questioning involves using leadin...
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