Psychological Treatment Approaches in the Field of Psychology
Identify psychological approaches to work in the field.
For this assignment, you will review the psychological treatment approaches in the field of psychology. Identify one that interests you from the list below and discuss its basic tenets.
Industrial Organizational psychology: Ch. 13 Introduction - Psychology 2e | OpenStax
Treatment: 16.2 Types of Treatment - Psychology 2e | OpenStax
Modalities: 16.3 Treatment Modalities - Psychology 2e | OpenStax
Psychology 2e | OpenStax. (2020, April 22). OpenStax.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Social Cultural Model
For Industrial Organizational Psychology students which of the broad areas of IO interest you the most and why?
Next, identify various treatment modalities. Choose one that you would like to use in your future career. Explain it and why you think it would be helpful for clients.
Individual Therapy
Group Therapy
Couples Therapy
Family Therapy
Industrial Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Human Factors Psychology, Humanitarian Work Psychology, and Occupational Health Psychology
Once you have selected your treatment perspective and modalities complete the Unit 9 Assignment template, which will guide you through the cohesive paper. This assignment will provide you with the psychological approaches to work in the field of psychology.
Your assignment should be 1–2 pages, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:
Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and unit number, and date
Body: Answer the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs
Reference Page: Sources in APA format
Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced
Use APA Formatting and Citation style
If you need assistance with APA style, please visit the Writing Center.
Be sure to use APA format.
How to reference your textbook:
Spielman, R.M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M.D. (2020). Psychology 2e. Open Stax; Rice University.
In-text references:
(Spielman et al., 2020) or According to Spielman et al. (2020)
Psychological Approaches
First and Last Name
PS115 Psychology Program and the Profession
Professor (or Dr.) First Name Last Name
Psychological Approaches
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the psychological approach that interests me the most. In particular, it has been demonstrated to be one of the most effective psychological treatments for addressing various problems, including anxiety disorders, mental illnesses, depression, and drug use issues (Spielman et al., 2020). The primary fundamental principles of CBT are that psychological problems are caused by individuals’ thinking processes and that such kinds of suffering can be eliminated by adopting better behavioral coping mechanisms (Nakao, Shirotsuki, & Sugaya, 2021). As such, I like CBT since it entails changing people’s thinking patterns to improve the quality of their lives.
Treatment Modality
The treatment modality that I