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Impact of Procrastination on Work Efficiency

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment you will Describe the behavior problem by sharing three specific times that it occurred, Explain the possible origins of your problem by applying parts of the B = f (P+E+PE) formula, Predict what dire consequences could happen if you do not change your behavior, and identify Changes that you can make to improve your behavior or to make the problem go away. In addition, throughout the paper you will be demonstrating your ability to apply concepts and vocabulary terms we have learned throughout the course. Your ability to incorporate appropriate course concepts is one of the most important aspects of this assignment so that I can assess what you have learned throughout the semester. Papers should be about 3-4 pages in length.

Assignment Details:

Describe Section

Tell the reader the topic of the paper: your behavior problem. Procrastination.

Give three examples of when the behavior problem occurred in your life. Examples must be specific and describe specific incidents when this happened. Do NOT give general examples that use phrases like, "I always, Every weekend, My whole life, Lots of times..." and similar phrases. .

Explain Section

Offer four explanations your behavior. Format your Person Variables and you Environmental variables by typing them in bold font AND by labeling them like this: (P variable) or (E variable). For example, "I believe that one of the reasons I yell often is because I have a high-strung temperament (P variable)."

Two explanations must be Person Variables (things that come from "within you" like your biology, personality, physical traits/abilities/preferences you were born with) and explain how each one could cause your behavior problem. You must spell out how they could cause the behavior problem. Include two or more vocabulary terms from our textbook in your explanation. For example, you may find that terms from Chapter 8 – Personality could be used as you discuss how your personality traits have played a role in the acquisition or development of your behavior.

All vocabulary should be in bold font with the corresponding chapter number listed in parentheses. For example, "I plan to use positive reinforcement (Ch 5) to increase my behavior."

Keep in mind that in order to receive credit for use of a course concept it must demonstrate your knowledge of the course material. Using vague, general terms like “stress,” or “change,” or “explain” does not demonstrate any depth of knowledge or your ability to apply course material to your life in a meaningful way. Choose vocabulary that specifically relates to your example AND explain how the meaning of that vocabulary matches with what you are writing about in this paper.

Two explanations must be Environmental Variables (aspects of your current or past your environments, experiences that have influenced you, people whom you imitate or people who taught you to be a certain way; culture or subculture) and explain how they contribute to and/or have led to the development of this behavior. You must spell out how they could cause the behavior problem. Include two or more vocabulary terms from our textbook in your explanation. For example, you could use terms from Chapter 5 – Learning to explain how Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, or Observational Learning may have caused your behavior problem.

All vocabulary should be in bold font with the corresponding chapter number listed in parentheses. For example, "I plan to use positive reinforcement (Ch 5) to increase my behavior."

Keep in mind that in order to receive credit for use of a course concept it must demonstrate your knowledge of the course material. Using vague, general terms like “stress,” or “change,” or “explain” does not demonstrate any depth of knowledge or your ability to apply course material to your life in a meaningful way. Choose vocabulary that specifically relates to your example AND explain how the meaning of that vocabulary matches with what you are writing about in this paper.

Predict Section

Make two worse case scenario predictions about what terrible things could happen if you do nothing about this behavior problem. One prediction should be something that could happen one year from now; the second prediction should be something that could happen five or more years from now. How could this behavior problem ruin other aspects of your life at those ages?

Change Section

Based on course material, state two changes that you could make that would likely to improve the behavior problem or make it go away. You must spell out the steps that you will take to make each of these changes. Incorporate at least two vocabulary terms from the textbook in your suggestions for change. For example, you might use terms from Chapter 9 – Stress and Health and as you explain how you would use better coping methods.

The suggested changes must be ones that would be effective. Effective changes address the P Variables and/or E variables that cause your behavior problem.

All vocabulary should be in bold font with the corresponding chapter number listed in parentheses. For example, "I plan to use positive reinforcement (Ch 5) to increase my behavior."

Keep in mind that in order to receive credit for use of a course concept it must demonstrate your knowledge of the course material. Using vague, general terms like “stress,” or “change,” or “explain” does not demonstrate any depth of knowledge or your ability to apply course material to your life in a meaningful way. Choose vocabulary that specifically relates to your example AND explain how the meaning of that vocabulary matches with what you are writing about in this paper.

Writing and Format

Follow the formatting instructions below

Papers should be about 3-4 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font.

A title page is not required. You should organize your paper into four sections with the headings Describe, Explain, Predict, and Change.

All vocabulary should be in bold font with the corresponding chapter number listed in parentheses. For example, "I plan to use positive reinforcement (Ch 5) to increase my behavior."

Keep in mind that in order to receive credit for use of a course concept it must demonstrate your knowledge of the course material. Using vague, general terms like “stress,” or “change,” or “explain” does not demonstrate any depth of knowledge or your ability to apply course material to your life in a meaningful way. Choose vocabulary that specifically relates to your example AND explain how the meaning of that vocabulary matches with what you are writing about in this paper.

Format your Person Variables and you Environmental variables by typing them in bold font AND by labeling them like this: (P variable) or (E variable). For example, "I believe that one of the reasons I yell often is because I have a high-strung temperament (P variable).

Do not use any other sources than your textbook. Try to put textbook ideas into your own words (paraphrasing). If you do choose to quote the textbook you must a) put all copied words into quotation marks and b) cite it in APA style of In-text Citation. You would use the Chapter Author's last name/s and then the year your textbook was published. Here is an example from Chapter 2:

According to our textbook, "permissive parents express the love they feel for their children by being affectionate" (Kroupa, 2022)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychology Essay

Your Name

Course and Section

Professor’s Name

November 23, 2023

Procrastination, characterized by the deferral of tasks, exerts a profound influence on the utilization of my leisure time. Despite awareness of its detrimental outcomes, this inclination towards postponement involves deliberately sidelining critical tasks for more gratifying or less strenuous pursuits. Such a pattern emerges in various scenarios, particularly when deadlines are not immediate, fostering a temporary respite and subsequent deferment of immediate responsibilities. In the subsequent segments of this document, the impact of procrastination on my work efficiency and the strategies employed to mitigate this issue, as gleaned from academic resources, will be thoroughly examined.

Describe Section

My tendency to procrastinate is one factor that keeps me from getting things done in my spare time. The act of delaying or postponing tasks—often while aware that doing so might have unfavorable effects—is known as procrastination. It entails consciously putting off necessary duties in favor of more pleasurable or less taxing activities.

When something is due the following week, or at least not today, I always act in this way. A feeling of relief sets in,

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