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Campaign to End Loneliness: Predisposing, Precipitating, Perpetuating, and Protective Factors

Essay Instructions:

Biopsychosocial Framework

To prepare for this assignment, please watch the following video about the Institute on Aging’s Friendship Line and review their website.

The Friendship Line was created in 1973 as both a crisis intervention hotline and a warmline for non-emergency emotional support calls for adults aged 60 and over. Then, watch Loneliness Challenges: Jo's Story.

Assignment Directions

For this assignment, you will use Express Capture to record a 3- to 5-minute audio imagining that Jo has called the Friendship Line and that you answered her call. Review the developmental considerations in assessment in late adulthood on page 497 of the text and complete the following assessment (be sure to include biological, psychological, and social factors). Use the Unit 9 Assignment Template to note your responses to the assignment questions and help guide your audio submission. You will need to submit this file along with your audio response.

Please address all of the following:

Presenting Problem

What is (are) Jo’s problem(s)? Provide a list.

Predisposing Factors

Identify at least two factors that contributed to the development of the problem(s) throughout her life.

Categorize each factor as biological, psychological, or social.

Precipitating Factors

Why is she seeking help now? (You may have to create your answer to this question based on the video. Why do you imagine that she might be calling the Friendship Line?)

Perpetuating Factors

Identify at least two factors that are reinforcing or maintaining her problem(s).

Categorize each factor as biological, psychological, or social.

Protective Factors

What strengths can Jo draw on?

Imagine that you are on the phone with Jo. What three questions would you like to ask her, based on your biopsychosocial assessment above? (Be sure to consult the developmental considerations in late adulthood on page 497 of your text.)

What intervention would you suggest for Jo?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Unit 9 Assignment: Biopsychosocial Framework


Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs, using appropriate personal and professional insights. 

Presenting Problem

What is (are) Jo’s problem(s)? Provide a list.

Based on Campaign to End Loneliness (2014), the following are Jo’s problems:Loneliness and Isolation: As Jo got older, she keenly felt the weight of loneliness, even fearing a solitary and unnoticed death due to her self-sufficiency and the absence of support from social services or others.Misunderstanding and Prejudice from Caregivers: Jo encountered bias from caregivers who failed to comprehend or respect her identity, mainly due to her butch lesbian appearance, which led to assumptions and misconceptions.Loss of Friendships: Jo recalls losing a friend who cut ties upon learning about her lesbian identity, underscoring the difficulties she had in maintaining friendships and the lingering societal bias.Age-Related Challenges: At 73, Jo increasingly grapples with the "pinches of loneliness," emphasizing that isolation and potential age-related health concerns become more pronounced as she ages.Positive Impact of Befriending Scheme: The befriending program profoundly enriched Jo's life, offering her companionship and opportunities for social activities like cinema outings. It also bridged the generational gap, with her befriender eager to learn about Jo's unique experiences.Awareness of Generational Differences in LGBT Experiences: There is an acknowledgment of the generational disparities in LGBT individuals' experiences. Jo's befriender recognizes that Jo's past struggles were far more severe than what younger generations might encounter today.Based on Campaign to End Loneliness (2014), the following are Jo’s problems:Loneliness and Isolation: As Jo got older, she keenly felt the weight of loneliness, even fearing a solitary and unnoticed death due to her self-sufficiency and the absence of support from social services or others.Misunderstanding and Prejudice from Caregivers: Jo encountered bias from caregivers who failed to comprehend or respect her identity, mainly due to her butch lesbian appearance, which led to assumptions and misconceptions.Loss of Friendships: Jo recalls losing a friend who cut ties upon learning about her lesbian identity, underscoring the difficulties she had in maintaining friendships and the lingering societal bias.Age-Related Challenges: At 73, Jo increasingly grapples with the "pinches of loneliness," emphasizing that isolation and potential age-related health concerns become more pronounced as she ages.Positive Impact of Befriending Scheme: The befriending program profoundly enriched Jo's life, offering her companionship and opportunities for social activities like cinema outings. It also bridged the generational gap, with her befriender eager to learn about Jo's unique experiences.Awareness of Generational Differences in LGBT Experiences: There is an acknowledgment of the generational disparities in LGBT individuals' experiences. Jo's befriender recognizes that Jo's past struggles were far more severe than what younger generations might encounter today.

Predisposing Factors

Identify at least two factors that contributed to developing the problem(s) throughout her life. Categorize each factor as biological, psychological, or social.



Jo navigated a labyrinth of profound societal biases and relentless discrimination stemming from her sexual orientation, a harrowing journey that commenced in her formative years and persisted into adulthood. She recounted enduring physical assaults multiple times as a consequence of society's prejudiced outlook, painting a portrait of the inhospitable social landscape in which she matured. Within these enduring social currents, we unearth the roots of the stigma and discrimination that profoundly shaped her existence (Campaign to End Loneliness, 2014).

Within the intricate recesses of Jo's psyche, we encounter a perplexing tapestry of apprehensions, including the dread of solitary, unnoticed demise, and an initial inclination toward seclusion. These intricate emotional layers bespeak psychological tribulations intertwined with her self-ion. Now, she grapples with an unsettling dread of passing away in solitude and obscurity

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