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Principles of Perception in Watching a Movie

Essay Instructions:

This paper is to apply principles of perception in a more integrated, more thematic way. Apply 6 principles of perception for about 6 written pages (double-spaced). Each principle for about one page. 
*Please make sure all the principles are drawn from the provided chapter. Also, please check with me about the general topic or theme you choose BEFORE you start. Thanks!

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Applied Paper: Watching A Movie
Applied Paper: Watching A Movie
Principle 1: C3 The Eye and Retina
While watching movies, the eye and retina are essential elements in receiving stimuli and transmitting them to the brain. The vision or seeing is based on light, stimulus energy found within the electromagnetic spectrum. This principle of perception is important because its receptors for vision are received through the eye. Therefore, while watching a movie, it is possible to differentiate between the different characters and objects because of the light energy transmitted from the screen to the eye. The light reflected on an object enters the eye through the pupil, with the cornea acting as the main focusing object. After being focused by the cornea, the lens forms a sharp image on the retina, composed of different neurons that contain photoreceptors, which are vital in vision (Chapter 3).
In order to be able to understand the actions or what is going on in the movie, the photoreceptors transmit these signals through the optic nerve to the brain. It is the brain that can decipher the actions in the film and perceive what is happening. When the image is transmitted to the brain, individuals can decipher what they are looking at. The rod and cone receptors are vital in object formation in the retina. People can perceive what they are watching because these components are present within the eye. When light is reflected from the screen to the eye, the cornea focuses the light. However, the lens is what is able to adjust in order to allow proper image formation within the retina. The lens is important because it allows individuals to see objects that are located at different distances through shape adjustment. The brain is responsible for interpreting images or character actions after the stimulus is transmitted through the optic nerve (Chapter 3).
Principle 2: C5 Perceiving Objects and Scenes
Perceiving objects and scenes is also an important element in interpreting images and other components. When watching movies, the ability to perceive objects and scenes is vital. It allows the differentiation of objects such as cars, planes, bicycles, animals, etc. Therefore, after an image is formed in the retina, there is a need to have some reasoning behind it in order to interpret it correctly. While there are scenes in the movie that we can interpret quickly and state what is happening, in some cases, we might require to replay these scenes and look closely at what is happening. Humans are wired to differentiate objects faster and ensure that proper interpretation is attained. The perceptual system usually interprets images on the retina and determines the object that formed the image on the retina (Chapter 5).
Understanding what object produced a certain image is called the inverse projection problem. This is an important process when watching a movie. The process begins with the retinal image and progresses outward. There are instances when what is cast on the retina does not represent the actual object on the outside. Therefore, an individual will be required to move to a proper viewpoint in order to see the image properly. When watching movies, it is vital to watch from the right angle in order to perceive and differentiate the scenes correctly. Mostly, it is ideal when the screen is placed right in front of you without the need to watch from an angle. Perceiving the objects and scenes within the movie is affected by an angle which an individual watches from. There is a need to watch from the right position to have the right perception and differentiate the things you are seeing. Watching movies should occur from the appropriate position to be able to follow the story and know what each character, object, or scene is intended to communicate visually (Chapter 5).
Principle 3: C6 Visual Attention
Visual attention is an important principle of perception that allows proper interpretation and understanding of the movie story. Our sensory information is usually processed selectively through attention because something unique takes place in a particular aspect. By paying attention, individuals will be able to decipher the actual happenings within the movie scene. When an individual is watching a movie and does not pay attention, there are chances that they will not be able to understand what is happening. However, watching and having visual attention will allow the person to understand the specific events and why they are happening (Chapter 6).
Another component related to attention is that one will be able to relate to the various scenes through the movies. There are two processing stages to the images we see. The pre-attentive stage is usually unconscious and does not require any attention. On the other hand, the focused attention stage is the conscious stage that requires attent...
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