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Effects on the LGBTQ Communities Due to Discrimination: Biblical Integration Project

Essay Instructions:

Research Project: Biblical Integration Project Assignment Instructions


This assignment is the third and final installment of our Research Project series. You now have an opportunity to explore what the Bible says about your chosen topic. In doing so will begin to understand how psychological science aligns with Biblical truth. The process we have followed in this series is one you are likely to find useful in future classes. 


For this assignment, you will:

  1. Include the following main sections (introduce each section with a level 1 heading):
    1. Introduction: briefly describe what you learned about your topic through completion of the Research Project: Topic Development Worksheet Assignment and the Research Project: Literature Review Assignment. Note that APA guidelines indicate that this first section should not use the word “Introduction” as the heading. Instead, use the title of your paper as the heading for this introductory section.
    2. Biblical Worldview Integration: What does scripture say about your topic? Please provide depth/detail here. This section should include approximately 500 words. Do not just provide a random list of Bible verses, instead consider and communicate how examples, principles, and theological concepts align with the topic you are exploring.
    3. Conclusion: Bring the various concepts together as you describe what you have learned about your topic and what you have discovered about how a Biblical worldview informs our study of social psychology.
    4. Apply current APA formatting guidelines within the following structure:
      1. Title page (apply APA student standards).
      2. Body/text (1000 words minimum; include appropriate APA headings).
      3. References page (must include all sources cited in your paper). Remember that if Scripture is cited in your paper it must also be listed in your reference section. Please see the Research Project: Biblical Integration Project Example for examples.
      4. Adhere to these guidelines related to mechanics/structure:
        1. All lines of the paper must be evenly double-spaced.
        2. Use 1” margins on all sides.
        3. Avoid the use of a first-person perspective.
        4. Do not include direct quotes (except for brief quotations from Scripture). Instead, re-write in your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the information.
        5. Include an appropriate citation to identify your source(s) whenever you include information that is not considered common knowledge.
        6. Check your work carefully to eliminate spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.
        7. Ensure a logical and clear flow by including appropriate transitions between sections.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mental and Physical Effects on the LGBTQ Communities Due to Discrimination: Biblical Integration Project
In many societies today around the world, members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Intersex (LGBTQ+) face serious challenges of discrimination, victimization, and stigma resulting in mental and physical health impacts (Wilson & Cariola, 2020). A study by Drydakis (2021) shows that gay men experience difficulties in employment, and those with jobs are discriminated against in terms of wages. Pennasilico and Amodeo (2019) have also found a link between discriminating against bisexual individuals and physical and mental health. In this study, the authors opine that the bisexual population experiences worse mental and physical health outcomes compared to gay and lesbian individuals. In a study to explore and describe challenges among the LGBT population, Moagi et al. (2021) have shown that although many countries around the world are now tolerant of the LGBT population, the individuals often have poor mental health outcomes due to emotional stress, stigmatization, victimization, discrimination, and poor access to healthcare services. On the trans* community, Sherman et al. (2019) note that this minority group is often disproportionately affected by society’s discrimination and even violence. Due to stigmatization, individuals in the trans* minority subgroup fail to seek testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (Sherman et al., 2019. N. Nakkeeran and N. Nakkeeran (2018) have also explored the health inequalities among people living with disabilities and those of different gender identities and sexual orientations. Results indicate that the concepts of gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and mental illnesses result in inequalities in health access due to stigmatization and discrimination, which often render them excluded from social welfare. This biblical integration project involves a discussion on what the Bible says about mental and physical effects on the LGBTQ communities due to discrimination and an understanding of how psychological science aligns with Biblical truth.
Biblical Worldview Integration
The topic integrates with the Biblical worldview that teaches against discrimination and prejudice, issues that appear both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. In Genesis 1:27, all humans are created in the image of God, and this Bible verse makes no distinction between the innate value or nature of any person regardless they are straight or LGBTQ+. Understanding the mental and physical effects of discrimination on this minority population is the first step to ensuring equity in healthcare outcomes as all persons are equal in the eyes of God. Deuteronomy 1:17 speaks against prejudices when judging and teaches Christians to treat all people equally when making the judgment, especially in deciding cases (English Standard Version Bible, 2001, Deuteronomy 1:17). This verse also recognizes God as the only judge that hears too hard cases for humans to decide. About the topic, none should discriminate against LGBTQ+ based on their sexual orientation, but God has the final answer during judgment. Deuteronomy 10:17-19 says that God cares about every person without bribes or partiality (English Standard Version Bible, 2001, Deuteronomy 10:17-19). The English Standard Version (ESV) uses the term “sojourner” to refer to a stranger and encourages the Israelites to care for them since they were once sojourners in Egypt. This shows how the Bible encourages equal treatment to persons who might not be the same as per society’s expectations. Proverbs 11:22 compares a fair and beautiful woman to a ring in a pig’s snout, further stressing the importance of not showing discrimination against the LGBTQ+ individuals but approaching them with an understanding to live life to their full potential (English Standard Version Bible, 2001, Proverbs 11:22).
The New Testament does...
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