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Pioneering Minorities: Inez Beverly Prosser

Essay Instructions:

Historical accounts of the history of psychology often overlook or minimize the contributions of women and minorities to the development of the field. For this assignment, I would like you to read a chapter from Even the Rat was White: A Historical View of Psychology by Robert Guthrie (click here to access it). Download Even the Rat was White: A Historical View of Psychology by Robert Guthrie (click here to access it).Please download the article by clicking the down arrow here or from the Canvas files if you are only seeing the first page of this document.

Then, choose one pioneering Black psychologist from the chapter to discuss in this paper assignment. Alternatively, you may choose one pioneering minority from the history of psychology and discuss the person and their legacy if there is someone else that you look up to. Please note, you may not choose Francis Cecil Sumner because he will be featured in lecture.

While you can use the chapter as a starting point, you should also use the ______ search to find additional information about your chosen person. At least 2 sources should be used to research your person (one may be Guthrie). You may also google, but please select reliable sources (ex., APA or historical organizations; not wikipedia or simply psychology type of websites).

You must provide an in-text citation and reference for any factual information that you provide in your paper. For example, if you are talking about Alberta Banner Turner from Guthrie's book, you should say "According to Guthrie (2004), Alberta Turner served as the chief psychologist at the Ohio Bureau of Juvenile Research." You can use APA style if you like, but may also use an alternative style of citation (MLA, or whatever you are comfortable with). Any copied text must be in quotation marks, and quotes should be used sparingly in academic writing. Instead, you should paraphrase, meaning you should write the idea using your own words.

You should address these prompts (please copy and paste these prompts into your paper as section headings to clearly show that you have addressed them):

1. Who did you choose? Provide a summary of this person's background and contributions to psychology.

2. Why did you choose this person? What stands out to you about them?

3. What are some obstacles this person had to overcome?

4. What does this person's story tell you about the history of the field of psychology?

5. What does this person's story tell you about what it was like for minorities at that time in the field of psychology?

6. What was something you learned and/or found surprising?

Please upload your response to these questions by Sunday . Late submissions will incur deductions consistent with the course policies. Your response should be a mminimum of 1 page double spaced text (it is fine if your paper is longer than this, but it should not be significantly less than 1 page). Your ideas should be clearly articulated and supported with information from the provided chapter or other source you used. This is your chance to apply critical thinking and reflection to an important development in the history of psychology.

Plagiarism is not tolerated in the class. After your submission into canvas, all papers will be uploaded by the professor to turnitin.com to check for plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pioneering Minorities
Institution Affiliation
Inez Beverly Prosser
Ms. Prosser is considered to be the first African-American psychologist. She was a teacher and the first female to obtain a Ph.D. degree. Her passion for education saw her educate her siblings in the racially segregated system. Ms. Prosser began her higher education work at Prairie View A & M University in Houston. She later finished her bachelor's degree at Samuel Huston College in Austin. In addition, Ms. Prosser moved for graduation and later completed her master's degree at the University of Colorado. Finally, she achieved her doctorate in psychology at the University of Cincinnati ( Ludy,2008). Ms. Prosser is known for her contribution to psychology by arguing that racism affected the mental health of black students and that they preferred being taught by black teachers and black peers. This way, they felt comfortable and appreciated being in school. 
Why I choose Inez Beverly Prosser
Being the first African-American woman to attain a PhD in psychology begs the question of her motivation and how she rose above the rank in a male-dominated era. Against all the odds, she supported segregation in education, and positive results were witnessed.
Obstacles Overcame
Ms Prosser faced segregation challenges in Texas as she could not graduate from an all-white sch...
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