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Assessing Risk in Domestic Violence Cases

Essay Instructions:

The use of risk assessment in domestic violence cases is crucial. Discuss the different methods of assessing risk in domestic violence cases, looking at the advantages/strengths and disadvantages/weaknesses. Identify which method you believe (from your research) is the most effective in determining risk in domestic violence cases.

2000 words +/- 10%. Abstract is included in the word count

Use min. 10-15 academic articles. Use peer reviewed academic articles published in quality journals. Textbooks and older resources are okay if using an influential theory or experiment. APA 7th formatting and referencing is expected.

Stimulus/starter articles and material are posted online.

Possible areas of investigation:

• Domestic violence: a brief background into the topic, why would we investigate this?

o Define

o Prevalence.

o Types (i.e., physical, emotional, financial).

• How is risk determined?

• Risk assessment

o Risk factors.

o Assessment methods i.e., paper-based tools, interviews, unstructured clinical decision, structured clinical judgement, clinical vs. actuarial, etc.

o Comparison to literature.

o Advantages and disadvantages of the various methods of risk assessment.

o Use empirical evidence

o Evaluate if paper based methods are better than interview; should paper based methods be used in isolation (without interview or clinical/professional judgement)?

o Make recommendations regarding which method you think works best (in which situations) based on the literature you have presented.

Synthesise your argument from multiple journal articles – condense into themes.

What are the key themes and findings? Avoid ‘cherry picking’ random bits and pieces from literature. Develop an overall picture of your topic.

Critical Analysis Tips: Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the research you review. Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of resources and of methods when writing your review. Are the findings generalisable? How/how not? What does the research/method do well/not well? How do findings compare to other research articles examining the same issue? Are you finding discrepancies? What could some reasons be? How could the research or methods be improved? Think about suggestions to address any weaknesses/shortcomings you can identify. You could suggest future research directions that may add knowledge or further refine methods.

Avoid using blogs, forums, message boards, Tumblr, non-academic resources such as newspapers, Wikipedia and other wikis.

Many people lose marks for not including critical analysis and just summarising research articles.

Many people lose marks for not including things required in the marking criteria (e.g. not including an abstract or recommendations).

Many people cite references correctly, but do not use their own language. Use quotes minimally in essays. Direct quotes should take up maximum 10% of your essay.

If you are uncomfortable with the topic, you may write on the following alternate topic:

“Use empirical evidence to discuss the extent to which it is ethical to intervene in the lives of young people who are identified at risk for later offending”

In Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment Tools_ A Review.pdf. There are types of intimate partner violence risk assessment tools. I will attach all the information for you.

You need to have Australian research about DV, however you can draw from evidence from other countries. In the background/introduction section you need to talk about prevalence rates in Australia. As you have seen we do use overseas tools, so studies with overseas tools (e.g. the ODARA) is fine too.

Please check all the documents I attached to you.

Thanks so much.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evaluate Risk Assessment in the Context of Domestic Violence
Due Date
Evaluate Risk Assessment in the Context of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a topic that aptly captures and communicates the worst about humanity. It is a problem that continues to permeate all over the world with horrific effects on the victims. The question many may not understand is how and why someone would profess love for someone and then later inflict physical or any other type of injury that essentially dehumanizes another person. In Australia, intimate partner violence (IPV) continues to be a major problem that greatly robs a significant percentage of women and men of their dignity. When exposed to verbal, social, financial, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, the aggressor simply subjects the victim to a lesser status than a human being. This paper provides background information on IPV in Australia to help paint a picture of how critically the country needs to adopt policies to protect victims. Further, risk assessment methods are discussed to determine which method is preferrable. The idea here is to compare the methods based on evidence presented in previous literature and to make a case for a preferred approach. Lastly, the paper will make recommendations as to which method works best in certain situations based on the literature used.
Domestic violence (DV) is a topic that perfectly paints the reality of the flaws of humanity. For the purposes of this paper, DV will mainly entail the aggression or physical abuse that happens in a romantic relationship or what is commonly known as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). IPV takes many forms, including sexual, physical, emotional, financial, or verbal abuse. In Australia, like every other part of the world, cases of IPV occur in the thousands, if not millions. Dawson et al. (2019) note that among Australian women, IPV is the main risk factor that exposes victims to disability, death, and illnesses, especially in middle-aged women. The researchers continue to add that IPV is directly associated with partners ‘self-reported poor health. Aside from the above, IPV is also a disadvantage to the economy because it robs the Australian economy of home-based production and working days (Cadilhac et al., 2015). Descriptively, the Australian government claims to lose about $12.6 billion annually because of IPV, with an additional $617.2 million accrued through healthcare costs. These numbers illustratively serve to paint a picture of how IPV is not a personal issue but a national and global problem. The disparaging fact about IPV is that regardless of the alleviating efforts employed in Australia, it remains the most frequently experienced form of violence facing women (El-Murr, 2018).
The Australian government reported the prevalence of IPV in Australia remains quite high (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2022). Further, research continues to help identify the women who are predominantly exposed to IPV. During the COVID-19 pandemic, research by Morgan and Boxall (2021) indicated that young women between the ages of 18 and 24, pregnant women, Aboriginal women, women limited by certain health conditions, and those struggling financially. The researchers note that these women present easy prey for their violent predators and will often be exposed to the various types of IPVs, including physical, emotional, social, verbal, or sexual abuse.
Evaluation of Methods
Though the three methods have limitations and merits, the structured clinical judgment approach has weightier advantages that affirm its preference over the others. One advantage that gives the structured approach an edge over the clinical and actuarial approaches is its use of evidence-based risk factors alongside patient assessment information. As indicated by Levin (2019), the evidence-based factors used to be derived and informed by previous literature. However, the structured approach includes the assessor’s competence and information surrounding a particular individual. These greatly inform on while also partially inhibiting the assessor’s control, thus negating subjectivity to some extent. The statement above does not underplay the assessor’s role in the assessment because, due to the progressive nature of the structured approach, the assessor could sometimes be expected to consider additional risk factors one deems applicable to a particular situation. Hart, Douglas, and Guy (2016) state that the structured approach tailors an assessment to a case.
One of the misconceptions about assessment tools is the idea that the experience and competence of the assessor are likely to compromise the quality of the assessment results. While this can happen, such a loophole can easily be bypassed with the supplement of guidelines. In the unstructured approach, the absence of guidelines means that the assessors wield much control to influence a decision. However, their removal from the assessment exercise renders the results robotic or mechanical because they lack the human factor. The statement above summarizes the problem or issue within the actuarial approach, which is meant to solve the subjectivity of the structured and unstructured approaches. As indicated by Sreenivasan et al. (2000), the actuarial approach raises concerns over its disregard for evidence-based practice and the use of accepted standards. Reducing the assessment process to numbers while negating guidelines and experience/competence means that the results communicated the scientific accuracy of a vacuum. Even with its flaws, the structured approach edge ahead of the other two approaches. With the presence of guidelines and the influence of assessors’ training and competence, the approach presents a more solid assessment technique. As Hart, Douglas, and Guy (2016) note, the guidelines, and the assessors work in tandem to supplement and build upon each other without seeking to eliminate, mitigate, or minimize the influence or role of the other.
Risk assessment
Risk factors are linked to a greater likelihood of IPV. While they may not directly cause it, they act as contributing factors. Risk factors could be individual, relationship, community or societal. One risk factor is a history of violent behaviours towards family members. When individuals are violent towards family members, they are more likely to engage in IPV than those who are not violent (Capaldi, Knoble, Shorttm & Kim, 2012). Violence may start at the family level and escalate to the intimate partner. Secondly, individuals with previous criminality are likelier to be violent towards their intimate partners. Such individuals will likely continue with violence when they return home (Felson & Lane, 2010). Thirdly, substance abuse contributes to IPV. People who abuse substances are more likely to develop violent behaviours. They are likely to direct the violence not only to the public but also to their intimate partners. Additionally, mental health problems are a contributor to IPV. Individuals with mental health challenges can turn out to be violent towards their partners (Carter-Snell & Jakubec, 2013). Moreover, attitudes that support violence towards women can accelerate violence. For instance, where an individual believes that wife battering is right may continue to be viol...
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