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Physical disorders and health psychology and Eating and sleeping disorders

Essay Instructions:
Develop an essay explaining and describing the impact on health and possible treatments for at least 3 diseases according to the DSM 5 TR. You must complete 1 short essay of at least one page for each topic. Avoid copying and pasting directly from the source. Your work must be creative and analytical. Physical and mental Dream Food Instructions: Turn in your assignment by 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday. It must include at least 3 academic sources, formatted and cited in accordance with current APA regulations.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Physical Disorders and Health Psychology and Eating and Sleeping Disorders Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Date Physical Disorders and Health Psychology and Eating and Sleeping Disorders Physical and Mental Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is an example of a physical and a mental illness classified under DSM-5-TR. Bipolar disorder is a mental condition that causes patients to experience mood fluctuations (Carvalho et al., 2020). These fluctuations make victims become overly excited or manic at one point, while at other times, they feel deficient and depressed. In the manic phase, individuals suffering from this condition get highly excited, optimistic, and motivated. When in the depressive phase, patients feel hopeless and sad and lack interest or pleasure in most activities. Common symptoms associated with bipolar disorder include moments of manic or depressive episodes, loss of touch with reality, being easily irritated, and lack of sleep. Physical and Mental Health Impacts Bipolar disorder greatly impacts the mental health of individuals and also has profound negative physical effects. Mentally, the depressive phase causes patients to experience moments of sadness, hopelessness, and lack of motivation (Carvalho et al., 2020). This phase can lead to suicidal thoughts, which can be life-threatening to the victims. On the other hand, the manic phase can cause patients to exude hyperactivity, elevated mood and suffer from psychosis. Moments of extreme excitement can be harmful as they can lead to impaired judgment and disruption of relationships and can interfere with academic or work-related pursuits. Physically, bipolar disorder makes patients vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases associated with diabetes and obesity. Also, this condition causes victims to have difficulties sleeping, being consistently productive, having the right judgment, and thinking objectively. Treatment Options The treatment options for bipolar are lifelong. As such, the condition is mainly managed through medication and psychotherapy (Rantala et al., 2021). Medications that are used to treat this disease include antidepressants and mood stabilizers such as lithium and antipsychotics. The use of psychotherapy, through methods such as Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), has also proven useful in managing this condition. To manage this condition, patients are advised to exercise regularly, get more sleep, maintain healthy diets, and plan their daily activities. Dream Nightmare Disorder Nightmare disorder is an illness classified in the DSM-5-TR under sleep-wake disorders. This disorder is associated with moments where individuals experience disturbing or frightening...
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