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Deliverable 1 - Agenda-Setting Theory

Essay Instructions:
Instructions Many people get all or most of their news from social media. For this project, we are going to be analyzing the content of several social media sites from major news sources, paying particular attention to social media standards, practices, and regulation. Where do you get your news? Start by going to one major news site's FACEBOOK page (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc.) Try another different news site's TWITTER feed, and third choose another social media site such as Reddit, Pinterest, or another (preferably one you use, if there is one). Analyze the sites in a 3-5 page total paper. In your analysis, be sure to include the following: General introduction to your thoughts on the social media you studied Several social media practices you observed (e.g., what gets the most interaction?) Examples of regulation of social media and discussion of such regulation (Is it good, bad, or indifferent? How could circumstances change the situation?) Analysis of ethical concerns (e.g., can you see examples of bias?) What is the culture of each site – how do users seem to respond to questionable items? (Is racism or open mocking ignored or pursued?) Conclusion of your findings Rubric - Criterion 1 0% of total grade A - 4 - Mastery Gave a strong, in-depth introduction. 0 B - 3 - Proficiency Gave a good, basic introduction. 0 C - 2 - Competence Gave a bit of introduction, but you need to provide more details or make other corrections as described by the feedback you are receiving. 0 F - 1 - No Pass Failed to provide a general introduction 0 I - 0 - Not Submitted Not Submitted 0 Criterion 2 0% of total grade A - 4 - Mastery Identified and thoroughly researched several news media outlets and analyzed several social media practices. 0 B - 3 - Proficiency Identified and researched news media outlets and gave some discussion of several social media practices. 0 C - 2 - Competence Briefly mentioned news media outlets and a practice or two, but you need to provide more details or make other corrections as described by the feedback you are receiving. 0 F - 1 - No Pass Failed to identify several social media practices 0 I - 0 - Not Submitted Not Submitted 0 Criterion 3 0% of total grade A - 4 - Mastery Gave several good examples of social media regulation and an insightful analysis of impact. 0 B - 3 - Proficiency Gave several examples of social media regulation and considered in some depth. 0 C - 2 - Competence Gave an example of regulation, but you need to provide more details or make other corrections as described by the feedback you are receiving. 0 F - 1 - No Pass Failed to provide several examples of regulation 0 I - 0 - Not Submitted Not Submitted 0 Criterion 4 0% of total grade A - 4 - Mastery Thoroughly analyzed several ethical consideration. 0 B - 3 - Proficiency Analyzed several ethical consideration with basic impact. 0 C - 2 - Competence Mentioned an ethical concern, but you need to provide more details or make other corrections as described by the feedback you are receiving. 0 F - 1 - No Pass Failed to analyze ethical concerns 0 I - 0 - Not Submitted Not Submitted 0 Criterion 5 0% of total grade A - 4 - Mastery Thoughtfully and completely considered the culture of the sites. 0 B - 3 - Proficiency Identified and discussed in brief the culture of the different sites. 0 C - 2 - Competence Briefly described users' response to questionable responses, but you need to provide more details or make other corrections as described by the feedback you are receiving. 0 F - 1 - No Pass Failed to identify users' response(s) to questionable responses 0 I - 0 - Not Submitted Not Submitted 0 Criterion 6 0% of total grade A - 4 - Mastery Gave a thorough, insightful conclusion. 0 B - 3 - Proficiency Gave a basic conclusion 0 C - 2 - Competence Gave a bit of conclusion, but you need to provide more details or make other corrections as described by the feedback you are receiving. 0 F - 1 - No Pass Failed to give a conclusion 0 I - 0 - Not Submitted Not Submitted 0
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Agenda-Setting Theory Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor Course Date Agenda-Setting Theory Evolution of Social Media Standards and Practices Social media platforms have revolutionized how individuals communicate, engage, and conduct commercial activities. Facebook and Twitter are widely recognized as the predominant social networking platforms, with Facebook boasting a significant user base (Stockman, 2023). Pinterest and other social media sites have gained significant influence in recent years. These platforms have transitioned from merely connecting individuals to facilitating connections between individuals and businesses and influencing political conversations. I believe social media platforms have established an online community that coexists with the physical world. The general people, world leaders, and organizations have incorporated social media into their daily lives. In contemporary society, it is quite unlikely for individuals to conclude their day without accessing Facebook or Twitter, as these platforms are frequently visited by individuals at least five times per day (González‐Bailón & Lelkes, 2023). Social media exerts the most significant influence on communication and shapes interpersonal connections across different regions of the globe. Social media practices vary across platforms based on their engagement level. Facebook allows users to share their statuses and news updates in real time. Interaction involves the exchange of comments and likes between friends on the statuses. Various individuals can disseminate multiple instances of news items, and Facebook employs a notification system to inform friends about sharing such content, thereby facilitating their engagement (Walker & Milne, 2024). Numerous entities, including organizations, professional groups, and celebrities, disseminate their content, encompassing music, products, and services. Furthermore, individuals disseminate live events for their acquaintances and enthusiasts to observe. According to Aytac (2024), tweets on Twitter receive the highest level of engagement, particularly those related to current events and affairs. On a given day, a solitary tweet has the potential to achieve viral status, amassing millions of followers and retweets. The content shared on Twitter encompasses textual, visual, and audiovisual elements. Pinterest primarily facilitates sharing images, with users encompassing individuals and companies engaged in marketing their products. Despite having a smaller user base than Facebook or Twitter, Pinterest is experiencing growth in its user population. Regulation of social media usage is necessary to safeguard users and guarantee the dissemination of accurate information. An illustration of such regulatory measures can be observed in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enacted in 2019. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) pertain...
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