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Personality’s Influence on Academic Performance

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Personality’s Influence on Academic Performance
Improving the quality of learning and educational attainment to meet the required skills in the labor market has become critical for policy making. Learning institutions are concerned about improving their learners' performance and meeting the required standards. As a result, identifying the effects of personality traits on academic performance has become essential. Academic performance is a significant factor among learners, teachers, parents, and the community. Much attention has been devoted to external factors like teaching methods and type of school. However, personality and personality traits delve into interval factors determining academic performance.
The term “personality” comes from the Latin word persona, which refers to the mask performers wear to demonstrate various roles and disguise their identities before the audience. Personality is the longstanding trait that pushes people to think, feel and behave in particular ways (Mourelatos, 2021). It is the unique constellation of how individuals approach issues and interpret events. Every person has a unique pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving, which determines how they approach the world. The study of personality focuses on two major areas. The first one is understanding how individuals differ in particular characteristics like sociability and irritability. The second one is how the different parts of an individual join together to form a whole being.
Personality Traits
Personality traits imply the characteristics that define individuals as unique. They reflect the basic dimensions by which individuals differ (Ali, 2019). The dimensions are limited (e.g., extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, among others), with people falling somewhere on any dimension. For instance, if an individual’s personality trait is extraversion, they can be low, medium, or high. It is important to note that personality traits reflect continuous distributions instead of unique personality types. For example, introverts and extroverts do not imply two types of persons completely different from each other. Instead, it means people who score relatively low or high on a continuous distribution. I am an extroverted individual who likes to interact with people. I have many friends in school, and I like socializing a lot.
Personality Traits Influence on Academic Performance
Personality traits have a major influence on academic performance. A high educational level is desirable for the individual and society. Educational success is linked to better occupational status and higher earnings. Individuals who had higher academic success tend to access better economic opportunities. Because of the value of academic success, it is important to identify how personality traits affect academic performance.
One of the personality traits is conscientiousness. The trait is critical in determining academic performance at all levels. It brings about effortful control, which leads to self-regulatory abilities (Vedel & Poropat, 2017). For instance, such learners have the ability to willful direct attention to a task and accomplish it. Such students can initiate and inhibit actions required to achieve academic success. More consci...
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