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PERMAVACA's Integration to Life

Essay Instructions:

Description of Assignment:

During the lectures you learned about PERMAVACA and conducted experiential exercises to explore how each component could be integrated into your life.

You can REVIEW PERMAVACA HERE: WATCH THE TEDX TALKLinks to an external site.


Positive Emotions









Create a video (min. 9 minutes) or written essay (min. 1350 words) and reference ChatGPT in all submissions and in every area quoted. Your submission should describe / discuss:

Each of the 9 components, and why they are important for well-being (30 seconds or 75 words)

Your custom designed action plan to integrate each component into your life (30 seconds or 75 words)

Brief Example:

Positive Emotions:

Definition: Positive emotions in positive psychology refer to beneficial feelings that contribute to mental well-being, such as joy, gratitude, love, and contentment. They inspire individuals to build valuable skills, develop resilience, and foster relationships. Positive emotions also enable psychological growth, broadening a person's thought-action repertoire and promoting overall psychological and physical health. (Ref: ChatGPT)

Action Plan: The 3 good things exercise provided evidence that a daily reflection of 3 good things in my life is as effective as anti-depressant medication which gave me too many side effects when I took them. So, when I walk my dog every morning I’m going to talk out loud to myself in the park and review the 3 good things that happened to me in the last 24 hours. I’ll do a big gratitude (got a new job!), a medium sized one (did a great swim team workout) and a small one (my morning espresso was perfect today).

You will repeat this format for EACH component and the result will be a living document that will act as a toolkit for enhancing your well-being and life satisfaction.

Focus on quality over quantity: I am less concerned with the volume of your content than I am with the quality.

Be succinct: In as little time, or as few words as possible, complete the assignment while being THOROUGH.

Important grading criteria: Someone with no prior knowledge of the science of well-being or PERMAVACA should be able to read your submission and replicate your instructions without asking any follow-up questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Positive Emotions
Definition. In PERMAVACA and positive psychology, "positive emotions" like happiness, gratitude, love, and contentment are considered beneficial to one's mental health (Revord, Sweeny & Lyubomirsky, 2021). It functions as a catalyst for the development of personal growth, the cultivation of resilience, and the fostering of relationships. Individuals' cognitive and behavioral responses are expanded when they are experiencing positive emotions, which ultimately results in improved psychological and physical health. It creates a positive change in life.
Action Plan. Before I go to sleep each night, I will take a few moments to reflect on the day and jot down three things that made me happy or smile. Also, introspection regarding these favorable instances will foster appreciation and satisfaction. Besides, I will get a jar labeled "happy moments." I will put little notes in there about the good times I have had and then pull them out when things get tough.
Definition. An individual is said to be in a state of engagement when they become completely engaged and absorbed in a task or activity that they find enjoyable, at which point time appears to fly by, and they feel a sense of flow (Patnaik, 2021). Therefore, it directs a person's attention and energy toward a meaningful pursuit, resulting in increased satisfaction and fulfillment. It advances individual connections with people to live a peaceful life.
Action Plan. I spend at least 30 minutes daily engaging in something that piques my curiosity, whether music, art, vegetable gardening, or sports. Also, I try to create a calm environment and encourage in-depth exploration. Whether utilizing the beat of a song, the colors on a canvas, the minerals of a landscape, or the excitement of a game. Hence, my aim is towards a meditative "flow" state, losing track of time and being wholly immersed in the experience.
Definition. Interpersonal connections, characterized by profound reciprocal admiration, reliance, and affinity among individuals, significantly contribute to overall welfare. According to Farmer and Cotter (2021), solid interpersonal connections have a substantial positive impact on overall well-being. Additionally, they help people feel less alone and more a part of something bigger by providing individuals with friendship and companionship and making them feel like they belong in the greater social community.
Action Plan. Recognizing the value of relationships, I prioritize meaningful interactions with my family and friends. I schedule regular activities like shared meals or games to foster closeness and create shared memories. Therefore, I strive to strengthen these bonds through empathetic listening and open communication, regularly expressing my appreciation for these cherished relationships. Reconnecting with old friends and branching out to meet new people broadens my social circle. My commitment to nurturing these relationships significantly enriches my overall well-being.
Definition. Meaning is about seeking something more significant than personal interests for life fulfillment (Goh et al., 2022). It involves engaging in endeavors that align with an individual’s values, offering contributions to a grander purpose. This pursuit of meaning provides a sense of satisfaction and contentment, elevating people's experience beyond mere self-interest to a broader, more impactful level of participation in life.
Action Plan. In pursuing existential significance, I actively participate in endeavors that align with my principles, areas of fascination, and deep-seated enthusiasms. Furthermore, I participate in volunteer and community service activities to reflect my beliefs and principles. I always seek new opportunities to help others by providing guidance, coaching, or donating to deserving organizations. Thus, I look for opportunities to use my skills. I am happier and more satisfied when I pursue such worthy goals.
Definition.  According to Novitasari et al. (2020), accomplishment is a satisfying emotional experience that arises from successfully attaining predetermined objectives, overcoming challenging obstacles, or acquiring fresh knowledge. Therefore, the process entails establishing deliberate goals and monitoring people’s advancement and development. The feeling of achievement serves as tangible proof of the successful outcome of their endeavors, inspiring them to work even harder towards their future objectives, thus creating a cycle of progress and accomplishment.
Action Plan. In my pursuit of success, I endeavor to set ambitious, realistic, and achievable goals. In addition, my progress towards my goals can be more easily tracked and appreciated if I break them down into smaller, more easily attained objectives. Workshops, certifications, and complex projects are just some ways I plan to continue developing my skills and expanding my horizons. Consis...
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