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Promoting Generalization and Maintenance During Intervention

Essay Instructions:


Read Chapter 10 in your Chandler & Dahlquist textbook. ( SEE ATTACHED )

Review the supporting PowerPoints ( SEE ATTACHED )

Read the case study, James, which can be found on page 263 ( IT'S ON THE ATTACHED CHAPTER ) and answer the following questions:

Identify the strategies that were employed to promote generalization and maintenance during this intervention.

Identify the strategies that were employed to prevent the recurrence of James’s challenging behavior and to support the development of appropriate replacement behavior.

What additional strategies might be employed to promote generalization and maintenance?

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Case Study: James
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Case Study: James
During the intervention, several strategies were employed to promote generalization and maintenance of James's appropriate behaviors. Generalization refers to the ability to display the desired behaviors in various settings and with different individuals. Maintenance refers to the continued display of appropriate behaviors over time, even after the intervention has been faded or discontinued.
To promote generalization, the intervention plan involved implementing the replacement behaviors (asking for assistance, compliance with teacher's directives, raising hand and waiting for acknowledgment, following class rules, and demonstrating anger-control techniques) not only in the self-contained classroom but also in other settings such as general education classes and social activities. By encouraging James to use these replacement behaviors consistently across different contexts, the plan aimed to ensure that his appropriate responses would become a habitual part of his behavior repertoire.
To support the maintenance of appropriate behaviors, the intervention plan utilized a continuous reinforcement schedule initially, where James received praise, activity reinforcements, and tangible reinforcers consistently every time he displayed the target behaviors. As James became more proficient in using the replacement behaviors, the reinforcement schedule shifted to intermittent reinforcement. This shift aimed to help James maintain his appropriate behaviors even when the frequency of tangible rewards decreased. Additionally, the use of corrective teaching and precision request techniques helped reinforce the appropriate behaviors while providing corrective feedback when needed.
To further promote generalization and maintenance, additional strategies can be applied. Notably, peer modeling and reinforcement can be a valuable strategy to support James's behavioral development and social interacti...
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