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Navigating an Ethical Dilemma as a New BCaBA

Essay Instructions:

For this week’s assignment, you will write an essay that will serve as your statement to your state ethics board regarding the ethical dilemma presented in the case scenario and the approaches you took to resolve the dilemma.

****I need you to use the ethics code from the BACB website and its free


You obtained your Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) certification 3 months ago. You went from working as a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT), as you accumulated your required supervised fieldwork hours, to a position as a BCaBA with the same company. Suddenly, you had more authority to make decisions regarding your clients’ treatment programs, as well as an increased caseload.

Shortly after you took on your new role as a BCaBA, you met with the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) supervising you to discuss expectations regarding your new position. During the meeting, your supervisor said that the company manager has a requirement to bill all clients for a minimum of 10 hours per week of one-on-one therapy. Your supervisor explained that insurance requires all clients to come for at least 10 hours per week. You realized that you could not bill for hours that the client did not receive therapy, and you asked, “What if each client does not come for that many therapy hours?” Your supervisor responded that it is an unwritten company policy. Suddenly, you realize this is an ethically complex situation and face an ethical dilemma. Next, you had to decide how to handle the situation best.

Assignment Directions

Before writing your essay, review the example of the Seven-Step Model Example to Analyzing Complex Ethical Issues https://kapextmediassl-a(dot)akamaihd(dot)net/artsSCi/PS225/2104D/SevenStepModelExample.pdf. Then, use the scenario above and the Unit 4 Assignment Template to write an essay, addressing the following:


Summarize the ethical dilemma in detail.

Step 1: Is the Incident Covered by the BACB Ethics Code?

Discuss, in detail, the relevant codes in this case based upon the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s (BACB) Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts

Step 2: The Players

Identify the “players” in this case.

Describe if you have the strength, skill, and motivation to do the right thing.

Step 3: Contingency Plans for Ethics

Explain each of your contingency plans (Plans A, B, and C) to resolve this dilemma in a least-to-greatest approach.

Consider the following: What will you do if the first approach to solving the problem does not work? What will you do if the second approach does not work?

Step 4: The Skills and Clout

Discuss whether you have the skills and the “clout” to carry out each plan.

Consider your position, the level of complexity, and the contingency plans you have created.

Step 5: The Risk

Discuss the risks to each player for not resolving the ethical issue(s) and the risks involved in attempting to resolve the issue(s).

Step 6: The Implementation

With your contingency plans in mind (Plan A, B, and C), describe how you will carry out each of these approaches. Be sure to provide clear details.

Step 7: The Evaluation

Identify the important events that should be documented and discuss detailed ways you will document these events.


Explain how you documented each of the seven steps in your approaches to resolving the ethical dilemma, including evidence of your honorable intentions and why this documentation is important.

These are the rubrics

Assignment Criteria Level III Level II Level I Not Present

Criteria 1 Level III Max Points

Points: 28 Level II Max Points

Points: 24 Level I Max Points

Points: 18 0 Points

Step 1: Is the incident covered by the Ethics Code? Assignment includes all of the following, in detail:

● Summarizes the case.

● Discusses all of the relevant codes in the case based upon the BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. Assignment includes all of the following, but lacks depth or key details:

● Summarizes the case.

● Discusses all of the relevant codes in the case based upon the BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. Assignment includes a majority of the following:

● Summarizes the case.

● Discusses all of the relevant codes in the case based upon the BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. Assignment does not meet minimum criteria.

Criteria 2 Level III Max Points

Points: 56 Level II Max Points

Points: 47 Level I Max Points

Points: 37 0 Points

Step 2: The Players

Step 3: Contingency Plans for Ethics

Step 4: The Skills and Clout

Step 5: The Risk Assignment includes all of the following:

● Identifies the “players” in this case.

● Describes if student has the strength, skill, and motivation to do the right thing.

● Explains each contingency plan (Plans A, B, and C) to resolve the dilemma in a least-to-greatest approach.

● Discusses whether student has the skills and the “clout” to carry out each plan.

● Discusses the risks to each player for not resolving the ethical issue(s) and the risks involved in attempting to resolve the issue(s). Assignment includes a majority of the following:

● Identifies the “players” in this case.

● Describes if student has the strength, skill, and motivation to do the right thing.

● Explains each contingency plan (Plans A, B, and C) to resolve the dilemma in a least-to-greatest approach.

● Discusses whether student has the skills and the “clout” to carry out each plan.

● Discusses the risks to each player for not resolving the ethical issue(s) and the risks involved in attempting to resolve the issue(s). Assignment includes less than half of the following:

● Identifies the “players” in this case.

● Describes if student has the strength, skill, and motivation to do the right thing.

● Explains each contingency plan (Plans A, B, and C) to resolve the dilemma in a least-to-greatest approach.

● Discusses whether student has the skills and the “clout” to carry out each plan.

● Discusses the risks to each player for not resolving the ethical issue(s) and the risks involved in attempting to resolve the issue(s). Assignment does not meet minimum criteria.

Criteria 3 Level III Max Points

Points: 28 Level II Max Points

Points: 24 Level I Max Points

Points: 18 0 Points

Step 6: The Implementation

Step 7: The Evaluation Assignment includes all of the following, in detail:

● Describes how student will carry out each of the three contingency plans (Plan A, B, and C).

● Identifies the important events that should be documented.

● Discusses ways student will document these events. Assignment includes all of the following, but lacks depth or key details:

● Describes how student will carry out each of the three contingency plans (Plan A, B, and C).

● Identifies the important events that should be documented.

● Discusses ways student will document these events. Assignment includes a majority of the following

● Describes how student will carry out each of the three contingency plans (Plan A, B, and C).

● Identifies the important events that should be documented.

● Discusses ways student will document these events. Assignment does not meet minimum criteria.

Criteria 4 Level III Max Points

Points: 14 Level II Max Points

Points: 12 Level I Max Points

Points: 9 0 Points

Summary Explains how each of the seven steps were documented in the approaches to resolving the ethical dilemma and describes why this documentation is important. Explains how each of the seven steps were documented in the approaches to resolving the ethical dilemma but does not describe why this documentation is important. Explains how some, but not all of the seven steps were documented in the approaches to resolving the ethical dilemma and does not describe why this documentation is important. Assignment does not meet minimum criteria.

Criteria 4 Level III Max Points

Points: 14 Level II Max Points

Points: 12 Level I Max Points

Points: 9 0 Points


Assignment meets all of the following:

● Clearly written in Standard English.

● Free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

● References or academic sources as required, including in-text citation(s).

● Formatted correctly using either APA style or provided template. Assignment meets a majority of the following:

● Clearly written in Standard English.

● Free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

● References or academic sources as required, including in-text citation(s).

● Formatted correctly using either APA style or provided template. Assignment meets less than half of the following:

● Clearly written in Standard English.

● Free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

● References or academic sources as required, including in-text citation(s).

● Formatted correctly using either APA style or provided template. Assignment does not meet minimum criteria.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

"Navigating an Ethical Dilemma as a New BCaBA"
As a newly certified BCaBA, you are faced with an ethical dilemma involving billing practices at your company. Your supervisor has instructed you to bill all clients for a minimum of 10 hours per week of one-on-one therapy, even if the clients do not receive that many hours. You are concerned about the ethical implications of this policy, and you must decide how to handle the situation (Fisher et al., 2021). To help guide your decision-making process, you use the Seven-Step Model for Analyzing Complex Ethical Issues as a framework for addressing the dilemma.
Step 1: Does the BACB Ethics Code cover the Incident?
The BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts requires behavior analysts to provide services competently. The company is not following this requirement by billing clients for 10 hours of one-on-one therapy even if they do not receive that amount. This action violates the BACB Ethics Code and presents an ethical dilemma for the BCaBA (Fisher et al., 2021). The BCaBA must consider their professional and ethical obligations to their clients and the BACB when deciding how to handle the situation.
Step 2: The Players
The BCaBA is a newly certified professional who recently took on a new role with increased responsibilities and authority. They are committed to ethical behavior and the well-being of their clients. The company has a policy of billing clients for a minimum of 10 hours per week of therapy, even if they do not receive that amount. This situation requires the BCaBA to make decisions that align with their values and professional ethics (Fisher et al., 2021). The BCBA and company manager also play a role in this scenario.
Step 3: Contingency Plans for Ethics
By considering these three contingency plans, you can ensure that you are acting ethically and upholding the standards of the field.
Plan A: Confirm the validity of the company policy with the BCBA supervisor and address any concerns with the company manager (Attfield, 2022). You can ask for clarification on the policy and seek guidance on how to handle the situation.Plan B: Bring the ethical dilemma to the attention of the company's ethics committee and seek guidance on how to proceed (Attfield, 2022). The ethics committee is a resource that can provide guidance on ethical dilemmas and help you navigate complex situations.Plan C: Report the unethical behavior to the BACB and seek guidance on handling the situation. Suppose you feel that the company's policies are unethical and cannot resolve the situation internally (Attfield, 2022). In that case, you can report the behavior to the BACB, responsible for enforcing ethical standards in behavior analysis.
Step 4: The Skills and Clout
As a BCaBA, it is essential to consider the skills and position within the com...
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