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Role of a Behavior Analyst Working With a Family in The Home Setting

Essay Instructions:

Your narration should be consistent with the culture and characteristics of behavior analysis. The language you use should be behavioral and you should avoid mentalistic wording and explanations. Relate your understanding of how behavior analysts perform in the work setting through your slides and tone.

Please make sure to provide proper credit for those sources used in your case study analysis in proper APA format. Please see the APA Quick Reference for any questions related to APA citations. You must credit authors when you:

Summarize a concept, theory, or research

Use direct quotes from the text or articles

In this assignment, you will play the role of a Behavior Analyst working with a family in the home setting. You have already conducted your interview with the family and have conducted the Functional Behavior Assessment for the behaviors identified in the referral (See Referral Form and Brief Summary of the Functional Behavior Assessment). You are ready to begin your intervention plan, but you need to get the parents’ approval first. In a meeting with the parents, you describe your behavior intervention plan and provide a rationale for your intervention choices. You will prepare a narrated PowerPoint that covers the following topics:

Behavior Excess for Decrease: Skin Picking

Define the target behavior by writing a 1–2 sentence operational definition that meets all of the following criteria:


Passes the “Dead Man’s” test and the “stranger” test

Uses no labels or hypothetical constructs

Explain the difference between habit behaviors and behaviors controlled by social reinforcers.

Explain how you plan to implement all four components of habit reversal with this client. Include a specific competing response.

Explain why you expect this procedure to be effective, including a description of the applicable behavioral principles that explain why habit procedures work to reduce habit behaviors.

Behavior Deficits for Increase: The Mand and the Tact

Begin by explaining to the parents the difference between the behavioral view of language and the cognitive view of language. Accurately represent the behavioral view of how language is learned.

Define the two verbal operants you plan to teach, i.e., the mand and the tact. Clearly differentiate between the two by providing examples for the parents. Your definitions should include the controlling antecedents and consequences for each verbal operant.

Identify which verbal operant you will teach first and explain your rationale for this choice.

Explain your procedures for teaching each verbal operant. Include details of what a typical teaching session would look like.

In your description of how you will teach a mand, identify:

A specific mand to teach

How you will set up the relevant motivating operation

A description of how you will use shaping to teach the new verbal operant

Include how you will prompt and differentially reinforce the mand (identifying the reinforcement to be used).

How you will fade your prompts

In your description of how you will teach a tact, identify:

A specific tact to teach

How you will set up the relevant discriminative stimuli

A description of how you will use shaping to teach the new verbal operant

Include how you will prompt and differentially reinforce the tact (identifying the reinforcement to be used).

How you will fade your prompts

****I need you to use the followings books

**Applied Behavior Analysis

John O. Cooper; Timothy E. Heron; William L. Heward

**Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures

Raymond G. Miltenberger

meet minimum requirements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Role of a Behavior Analyst Working With a Family in The Home Setting
As a behaviour analyst, I work with individuals and families to identify problematic behaviours and develop effective strategies to improve the individual's overall functioning and quality of life. After conducting an initial functional behaviour assessment, including interviews with Annie's parents and direct observations in Annie's home and school, we have identified two target behaviours to focus on: skin picking and a lack of functional speech. Using evidence-based strategies from applied behaviour analysis and behaviour modification, our goal is to reduce the frequency and intensity of Annie's skin-picking behaviour and increase her use of functional speech to communicate her needs and wants (Cooper et al., 2020). We are grateful to have the opportunity to work with Annie and her family to address these challenges and improve her overall functioning. Thank you for your trust in us to support your family's needs.
Behaviour Excess for Decrease: Skin Picking
One of the target behaviours we will be addressing is Annie's skin picking. Our operational definition of this behaviour is " using the forefinger of one hand to scratch and dig at the skin on the arms and legs, occurring mostly during alone times such as while waiting or watching television (Cooper et al., 2020)." This definition is observable and avoids using labels or hypothetical constructs.
Skin picking is an example of a habit behaviour, as it occurs automatically and is not influenced by social reinforcers. To address this behaviour, we will use habit reversal, a technique that teaches a competing response to replace the unwanted habit behaviour. For example, we may teach Annie to squeeze a stress ball or make a fist with her hand whenever she feels the urge to pick her skin (Cooper et al., 2020). This competing response will be reinforced to increase its frequency and effectiveness.
We expect habit reversal to effectively reduce Annie's skin-picking behaviour because research has supported it as an effective treatment for habit behaviours. Additionally, the principles of behavioural psychology, such as shaping and reinforcement, can be applied to increase the frequency and effectiveness of the competing response (Cooper et al., 2020). Our goal is to help Annie develop healthier and more functional coping strategies.
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