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Movie - Character Analysis Paper Psychology Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:


Now that you have completed more than half of your abnormal psychology course, this week will observe a character in one movie which employs abnormal psychology as a theme for that character. The release date of the movie is not relevant, so you can choose from older ones if so desired. Because we are in chapter 9, you may want to focus your paper on gender and sexual issues in your reported film. As an example, in the film 28 Days, Gwen, the protagonist, gets involved with a sexually addicted baseball player. You could talk about her reasoning as well as address some of his issues.

A few examples of movies that work well for this assignment include: 28 Days, Girl Interrupted, Requiem for a Dream, Momento, Black Swan, Silver Linings Playbook, A Beautiful Mind

1. Select and analyze one character in the movie who exhibits a DSM -5 disorder. This individual will usually be the protagonist or the primary antagonist. Sometimes it is a supporting character such as the trickster, but you may not get enough information to write a paper from one fo these types of characters.

a. Using the DSM 5 criteria, show how the character via the scenes in the movie meets the diagnosis.

b.This area should be detailed. Discuss how the abnormal behavior is influenced as presented in the movie by biological factors (brain processes), psychological factors (emotional turmoil), and by social factors (inadequate relationships).

2. Write a report that includes a paragraph or two about the major plot.

a. Focus the majority of the paper on the character.

b. Describe how the abnormal thoughts, ideations, and behavior play into the plot.

c. Suggested treatment(s)

3. Report must have APA style reference format.

a. The paper needs to include at least 3 references including the movie.

b.. Wikipedia and the dictionary do not count as references.

c. Use your textbook as one of the references.

a. You do not need an abstract.

b. The body of the paper should be at least 2 pages but probably more.

4. The paper will be worth up to 20 points.

5. Submit your paper through Canvas

a. This paper will be checked for plagiarism.

b. Do not copy or use other people’s ideas or work on the character analysis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Movie - Character Analysis Paper- The Black Swan
Name Course Instructor Date
Part 1
Nina Sayer, a ballet dancer, and protagonist in Tchaikovsky's The Black Swan, suffers from various psychological disorders such as psychosis anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive behaviors. The perfectionist ballet dancer is under immense pressure to succeed and gradually she becomes psychotic and violent (Aronofskyet al., 2010). Psychosis is a mental state characterized by an alteration in the perception of reality (Boyda et al., 2018). Nina has psychosis and DSM V diagnostic criteria on psychosis include delusions, hallucinations, abnormal psychomotor behavior, disorganized speech, and negative symptoms.
The protagonist exhibits disorganized thinking, which reflects brain processes that explain psychosis as Nina believes that Nina wants to her harm and she believes she is in a relationship with her. Nina’s mental health status deteriorates to the extent that she fails to distinguish reality from her imagination to the extent of believing that other people are plotting against her. Nina also has visual hallucinations when she takes the drug ecstasy and believes that she spouts wings when she scratches her back over time.
Ballet requires, discipline, attention to detail during rigorous training, and Nina is self-harming when she fails to be perfect. Nina has been the prima ballerina, but Lily a new dancer has the chance to be the main star, and Nina becomes more obsessed with perfection. Nina becomes paranoid about Lily where she wrongly believes that Lily has conspired against her and also wants to harm her. Nina lives with her overbearing mother Erica who paints herself who wants to accomplish her dream of a ballerina through her daughter. Additionally, has a codependent relationship with her mother, she fails to be autonomous and harms herself.
Major plot
Nina increasingly faces a challenge to perform as the prima ballerina, but when there is a new dancer who seems better than her, and Nina’s mother pushes her to even try more than she is doing. The ...
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