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Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: A Reflection

Essay Instructions:

Reflection essay-

Personal life- Wife with two toddler daughters

Professional life- 1st grade teacher at private school

Academic career- going to college for BA in elementary education

Reflect on the topics covered in this class so far and write a reflection that ties back to the material you have learned, which describes how these topics relate to different aspects of your life. In 750-1,000 words, consider the following:

Describe how you will use psychology in your personal life.

Describe how you will use psychology in your professional life.

Describe how you will use psychology in your academic careers.

Explain any overlap in any of the characteristics, including anything that applies to all three areas.

Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations. The textbook and other relevant resources should be cited when describing topics from the semester and how they apply to personal, professional, and academic careers.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Applying Psychology to Everyday Life
Student’s Name
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Professor’s Name
Applying Psychology to Everyday Life
Different people have distinctive perspectives on how they view life. People's perspectives are determined by how they interpret two super interactive factors. These two factors are; the external environment of people's lives and how people subjectively interpret the external environment. The way people interpret the environmental factors surrounding them will affect them physically, mentally, and emotionally. A person's idea of how to interpret the environment involves evaluating the environment and the possible ways that will make them cope with the environment (Hodgetts, Stolte, Sonn, Drew, Carr, & Nikora, 2020). The goal of this essay is to discuss how psychology can be applied to somebody's everyday life.
Personal Life
Psychology is important in marriage because it helps one understand their partners better. When a man and woman come together to form a family, a bond is created between them, and it is this bond determines the success of a marriage. When people relate well in marriage, they can build each other and achieve a better future. A couple that is not on good terms can cause a lot of damage to each other’s lives instead of building each other. As a wife, my only wish in life is to have a marriage that I feel loved, and for me to achieve this, I have to involve the five love languages in my marriage. The five love languages help couples know how to show love and affection to your spouse; couples get to know how to deal with anger, understand how to deal with failure, and know when to apologize. Lastly, they promote happiness in the relationship despite small irritations.
Having babies is enchanting and exciting, but there comes a time when all this becomes hectic and burdening (Hodgetts, Stolte, Sonn, Drew, Carr, & Nikora, 2020). Babies depend on their parents for every single thing they need in their life, forcing parents to work extra hard to give their children the best life. There are societal perceptions that a woman should be a superhuman being, meaning that she should attend to all assigned responsibilities. These expectations lead to pressure and can be harmful to a woman psychologically. Many women result from depression because they are not able to attend and balance all of their responsibilities. Motherhood is not easy, and women need a support system to raise their children in the right manner. Marriage partners should offer support like helping pay bills, helping in parenting, and showing love to their partner, thus motivating them to achieve their goals.
Professional Life
As we all know, all professions have their type of ...
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