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Job Ad Paper Assignment: Entry-level Marketing Assistant

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is to help you apply the career information that we have discussed throughout the semester to your own career path.

Step 1: Find a recent job advertisement posted somewhere that ideally matches your career interests; I provide a non-exhaustive list of possibilities below, and you may also use some of the hyperlinks highlighted in PowerPoint slides throughout the class. Do your best to find a job ad that has been posted within the last year. Please talk to me if you would like permission to use one older than 1 year*

You must provide either an active link to the job ad (be careful with this option, as links can change!), or upload a pdf file of the ad. Canvas will allow you to upload multiple files. It doesn’t have to necessarily be a job per se; you can pick a paid internship, postdoc, etc.

Step 2: Start your paper by placing the title of the job ("Counseling Psychologist") very clearly at the top of your paper.

Next, address these points:

1. What are the details of this job (location, setting, agency, salary/pay rate). Explain your reaction to this information (Is this somewhere you want to live? Reasonable pay?)

2. What education and/or experiences are needed for this job? Do you have the education/experience already? What experience and education will you need to get?

3. What skills are needed to succeed in this job? If the ad does not list them, brainstorm what skills would be desired by this employer.

4. Consider your own skill set (you can use this worksheet to help your determine your skills预览文档). How does it compare with the skills needed for this job?

5. Name at least 3 skills that you could improve on in order to enhance your fit with the job.

6. How would you sell yourself to this employer? What are some special or unique skills, talents, abilities, and/or experiences that make you qualified for this job? Remember, you should highlight specific examples and experiences to illustrate your possession of skills and attributes.

7. What additional resources/organizations/offices at Penn State did you learn about this semester that can help you on this path and how could they help you? You should specifically integrate things that you learned and resources discussed this semester in this section of your paper.

Your paper should be a minimum of 1 double-spaced typed page and include the link or upload of the job ad. Please include the item numbers or questions as headings in your paper to clearly demonstrate that you addressed each prompt.

Some Sites with Psychology-Related Job Ads

Note that this list is not exhaustive; feel free to use a job ad from anywhere

http://www(dot)apa(dot)org/careers/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The Chronicle of Higher Education:

https://chroniclevitae(dot)com/job_search/new?cid=UCHETOPNAV (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Counseling Center Village:

http://ccvillage(dot)buffalo(dot)edu/job-searching/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

I Hire Mental Health:

https://www(dot)ihirementalhealth(dot)com/jobs (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


https://www(dot)indeed(dot)com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Harvard’s Post-Graduate Research Jobs site:

https://undergrad(dot)psychology(dot)fas(dot)harvard(dot)edu/post-graduate-research-jobs (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Association for Psychological Science:

https://jobs(dot)psychologicalscience(dot)org/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

American Counseling Association:

https://www(dot)counseling(dot)org/careers/aca-career-central (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Job Advertisement
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
October 26, 2020
Entry-level Marketing Assistant
Details of the Job
The job that I am trying to apply for is an Entry-level marketing assistant for Crosstown Solutions in Brooklyn, New York. This job is a full-time and entry-level job, which requires the professional to develop a general marketing perspective. The pay is estimated to be $48,000 to $60,000 annually. I believe that this is a reasonable pay given the amount of experience and education required.
Educational/experiential Requirement
There is no educational or experiential requirement for the jo...
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