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Model of Psychopathology. Psychodynamic Model. Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

What model of psychopathology (or personality in general) do you feel would help you in understanding and dealing with your own emotional difficulties if you were to develop them? Why?

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Model of Psychopathology
Question: What model of psychopathology (or personality in general) do you feel would help you in understanding and dealing with your own emotional difficulties if you were to develop them? Why?
Psychodynamic Model
Freud suggested that human behavior is largely drawn from forces that emanate from the unconscious level of the human mind. According to Sigmund Freud (1905) as quoted in CITATION Ara12 \p 56 \l 1033 (Rao, 2012, p. 56) ‘psychodynamic theory is a systemized study and theory of psychological forces that underlie human behavior, emphasizing the interplay between unconscious and conscious motivation and the functions.’ Further, Freud made several assumptions about psychodynamic model to explain human behavior. First, Freud suggested that a major part of the mental processing occurs in the unconscious mind. Secondly, the personality is made up of the id, ego, and superego which are in constant conflict.
Thus, if I ever have a mental difficulty, it can be mapped to these issues. It could be at the unconscious decision that has not yet been communicated to the conscious level. If the issue remains in the unconscious level of the brain, it could be affecting my mannerisms and further affect the way I could the world. The key is to try to find the unresolved issues at the unconscious and subconscious level that could be affecting my mental health and figure out ways to address them.
Freud suggested that they could have stemmed from our earlier lives as children. According to Freud as quoted in CITATION Dea08 \l 1033 (Dean, 2008), childhood experiences can create permanent mental frames through which can affect future behavior. Thus, doing an introspective analysis of my potential problem, I can possibly find the root to be a childhood e...
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