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Effect of Nutrition on Brain Function. Nutrition and Brain Health

Essay Instructions:

Do an Internet search for “nutrition” and “the brain”. Examine the claims made by one or more of the websites. In light of what you have learned about the nervous system, how could nutrition affect brain function? Based on your scientific knowledge, how believable are the claims on the website? Explain.

Your original essay should be 350-500 words in length, double spaced, and typed in Arial 12-point font. Any outside sources used should be referenced properly per APA standards.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effect of Nutrition on Brain Function
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Effect of Nutrition on Brain Function
The nutritional benefits of food on brain development and cognition have been highly publicized by the media and have continued to attract significant public attention. An internet search into the claims made by various websites regarding the effects of nutrition on the brain function indicates their consistency in reporting the nutritional benefits to the brain as has been ascertaining to a certain degree by scientific reports.
A healthy diet with crucial nutrients is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain. Sheehan (2018) reports that essential body nutrients are vital in reducing memory loss, preventing stroke and increasing alertness of the brain. Consuming the correct proportions of food that contains the required nutrients is key to getting the nutrients. In the website, Sheehan (2018) lists some of these foods and. Some include peas, broccoli, spinach that contain folic acid that aids in reducing memory loss; beef liver, oysters and chicken that provides iron that is necessary for improving mental performance and lastly heart-healthy diet composed of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and fish that lower the risk of stroke.
Another website describes similar benefits of foods to cognitive performance. The site, My Virtual Medical Centre ascertains the importance of food to the brain. The website lists such benefits of a healthy diet to brain such as providing energy requirements to the brain, influencing behavior and improving cognition. The site attributes the rise in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among children to a deficiency in iron intake myVMC (2010). Further, My Virtual Medical Centre website emphasizes the importance of a quality diet to improved cognition. myVMC (2010) also postulates that essential food nut...
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