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Human Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

A major part of any child’s life is playing—and when kids are playing, they are often playing with toys. Design and describe a toy that you think is a perfect fit for a child of 2 months, 2 years, and 10 years. With respect to the child’s development, what features of the toy are especially good for the child of each age group?

Your original paper should be 350-500 words in length, double spaced, and typed in Arial 12-point font. Any outside sources used should be referenced properly per APA standards.

5.0 pts

Answer is complete; sufficient detail provided to support assertions; factually correct, clearly references content of the chapter.

5.0 pts

Organizes and synthesizes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to the question.

5.0 pts

States a conclusion that is a logical extrapolation from the analysis of evidence/data presented.

5.0 pts

Demonstrates skillful use of high-quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the thought question.

5.0 pts

Clear and logical presentation; good development of an argument; Transitions are made clearly and smoothly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Development Essay
Institutional Affiliation
Human Development Essay
Toys are essential parts of a child’s development, especially for a child’s cognitive, social, and physical developmental skills. During each of the developmental stages, toys play a significant role as they help the child respond to the external environment. Additionally, since the baby at each stage of development has unique characteristics and capabilities, it is important that the parent provides toys that correspond to the child’s age to enable the child to learn how to interact with the external environment. This paper describes the design and characteristics of toys for children of two months, two years, and ten years.
Toy for a two-month-old child
According to Garoo (n.d.), a child at this stage starts responding to movement in the room, brightness, color, and sound. Some characteristics exhibited in this stage include grabbing objects, cooing, and focusing on a moving object. The child also smiles when people wave at him and also shows excitement by jumping or shaking hands when a person laughs. When designing a toy for the child, it is important that the designer considers these characteristics as they are common for the child at this stage. The object should have bright colors, or twinkle to attract the attention of the toddler. One could also consider a toy that makes specific sounds when pressed, and an elastic light object that the toddler can pull, squeeze, grasp, lift and shake easily. Since toddlers in this stage are also sensitive to black and white colors, the toy should also include preferred colors to support the child’s development.
Toy for a two-year-old child
When the toddler is two years old, they are experimenting with their movements as well as learning to respond to what people are doin...
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