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Intelligence theories and testing Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

The definition of intelligence is simple; it is an individual's capacity to learn, reason, and solve problems. What is complex is how we measure that capacity and use that measurement. One of the original uses of intelligence testing in the early 1900s was to separate or segregate those individuals who were deemed of low intelligence.

Provide a brief history of intelligence theories and testing and how it is currently utilized.

Choose one of the intelligence tests described in your course readings and research the Internet for more information on the test. Report your findings.

Based on what you found and your readings, provide your views on intelligence testing (remember to support your views with cited sources).

Use an APA style reference list with in-text citations in your initial response.

Below are the readings topics that was described

(Motivation: Intrinsic and Extrinsic)


(Intelligence and Intelligence Testing)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Intelligence Theories and Testing
Name Course Instructor Date
The definition of intelligence is simple; it is an individual's capacity to learn, reason, and solve problems. What is complex is how we measure that capacity and use that measurement. One of the original uses of intelligence testing in the early 1900s was to separate or segregate those individuals who were deemed of low intelligence.
Provide a brief history of intelligence theories and testing and how it is currently utilized.
There are different theories on intelligence. Alfred Binet first created an intelligence test in 1905 and proposed identifying differences on a cognitive scale where he considered intelligence as a measurable variable in the psychological process. Construct tests included measures on memory, understanding attention, and imagination where age and the cultural context were considered. The Binet-Simon intelligence test was another early test that is popular and focuses on children that need extra attention as intelligence is malleable (Hally, 2015). In 1990, Sternberg classified the theories into implicit and explicit, where implicit theories are made by people who have not investigated the subject. Explicit theories are investigations that test that measure intellectual functioning. Jean Piaget proposed the constructivist theory of intelligence development, focusing on human capability, perceptions, and abstractions at different ages.
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