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Stanley Milgram Experiment Psychology Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

Link to site describing the Stanley Milgram Experiment can be found here:


Essay Instructions:

Describe in detail the Stanley Milgram experiment and explain why you feel it is ethical or not.

Essay must be at least 500 words.

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Stanley Milgram Experiment
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Stanley Milgram experiment
Milgram experiment focuses on numerous psychological experiments to explore how being obedient to people in power relates to individual conscience. His interest on obedience was sparked by Adolph Eichmann’s work which focused on the Nazi war criminal who was the principal organizer of World War II. Stanley wanted to understand how human beings can commit atrocities beyond their conscience and thus, his experimental research in personal conscience (McLeod, 2017). The experiment sought male candidates through a newspaper advert in which all participants took the duties of ‘a teacher.’ The role implied that the participants were in control of electroshock generators. The learners were Milgrams’ confederates, who acted as real participants.  
The recruited participants were forty males between the age of 20 and 50. The participants were arranged based on their professionals as skilled, unskilled, and professionals and were awarded $4.50 for showing up. At first, the participants were acquainted with a distinct contributor; Milgram, who was the confederate (Miles, 2019). Two rooms were used to experiment and in which the learner was tied to an electric chair. He was then asked a list of questions by the teacher, such as being asked to recall word pairs. In every wrong answer, the learner was awarded some electric shock which increased gradually if the answer regularly gave incorrect answers. In the experiment, the learner was expected to intentional give wrong answers, and the teacher was expected to increase the shock ranging from 15 volts and 450 volts (Miles, 2019). If the teacher refused to give the shock, a series of orders would be instilled to ensure the experiment continued. However,...
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