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How ASD is Diagnosed

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you are going to make a brochure on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) intended to educate parents, grandparents, and others. Your brochure will provide an overview of causal theories and how ASD is diagnosed.

Use the Unit 2 Assignment Template to complete this assignment. The content of your brochure should be 2–3 pages in length. You may add images or other graphical elements to your brochure as you like. (Graphical elements may increase the page count, which is acceptable.)

Please include the following information:

Causal Theories

Discuss two ways the treatments of and views on autism spectrum disorder have changed over time.

Discuss three suspected causes of ASD today.

Explain why it is important to understand research-based causal theories versus popular-belief causal theories.

Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder

Explain how ASD is diagnosed in a child that is age birth through 8 years of age. (Include the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ASD): https://www(dot)autismspeaks(dot)org/autism-diagnosis-criteria-dsm-5

Responses to each section should be written in paragraph format and be a minimum of 250 words.

A separate reference page is provided in the template for your APA citations. Use current APA formatting and citation style. A minimum of two references is required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
How ASD is Diagnosed
Sometimes, when we picture a person with a handicap, we see someone who has lost an arm or a limb. However, not all disabilities are immediately apparent; some only become apparent when we engage with the individual. A mental disease called autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can improve or worsen a person's ability to communicate and be aware of their surroundings. Although this condition is frequently referred to as autism, the type of illness that affects the patient's brain and behavior varies from person to person, hence the term spectrum.
ASD Treatments
Medical professionals can still use specific treatments to lessen the adverse effects of autism even when it cannot be cured. One way to do this is through behavioral management therapy, which can stop or just minimize the person's repetitive behavior in some cases, allowing them to live everyday life without being made to feel different from others and preventing them from developing the depression that society has given them. (NIH).
Some families believe that their child's autism is merely being childish and will go away as they age. However, as time passes, this is recognized to be incorrect. That is untrue because as children develop, they merely learn how to behave normally in front of others, but the mental disease is still present. But this is now viewed as being incorrect throughout time.
Physical exercise, which will be under the supervision of medical professionals, is another option to reduce the disorder's apparent effects. The goal of this treatment is for the patient to move repeatedly; continued treatment will lead to much more typical physical behavior.
It's a common misperception that people with autism don't enjoy social interaction, yet they actually do. Simply put, they are unable to communicate effectively.
Main Types of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Asperger's Syndrome –
Previously referred to as "classic autism," the term "level 1 autism" was introduced in 2013. A person with this level of dysfunction will be more intelligent than those of similar age and have good verbal abilities. Nonetheless, find it challenging to communicate with others, which lowers their social skills. Due to their illness, they have trouble communicating with their friends and relatives.CITATION Intnc \l 1033 (Integrity Inc.).
Rett Syndrome –
is exceptionally uncommon but does impact some autistic patients worldwide. Individuals with this type of autism will typically struggle with the coordination of their motions and occasionally engage in repetitive behavior. Occasionally, patients may also experience respiratory difficulties.CITATION Intnc \l 1033 (Integrity Inc.).
Kanner's Syndrome –
this type of autism was first identified by Leo Kanner of John Hopkins University in 1943. It can be distinguished if the person has an emotional speech and no emotional tie to others.
What is the cause of ASD?
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention 5,437,988 Americans aged 18 and older are thought to be on the autistic spectrum. Because of this, we may be engaging with someone who has this type of condition without realizing it.
Even though the exact cause of ASD is still unknown, these are the current leading theories. Having a sibling with ASD can also play a significant role in the sibling developing the disorder. Given that genetics play a significant role in the condition's origin, there is a strong likelihood that the parent will have another kid who also has the disorder (Center for Disease Control and Prevention).
Specific genetic or chromosomal disorders like tuberous sclerosis or fragile X syndrome are also thought to play a significant role in a child's development of an ASD. Due to an anomaly in their chromosomes, the early stages of a child's ASD will slowly manifest (Center for Disease Control and Prevention).
Last but not least, havin...
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