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Handling Stress and Establishing Balance between Personal and Professional Life

Essay Instructions:

In this paper you must clearly define your objective for learning or change in a way that is measurable so that you are able to define the the change that occurs and cite why your attempt was or was not successful. For example, if the objective is for a child to learn to brush their teeth, you might break the task into components, such as, 1) finding the step stool they must stand on to reach the sink and taking it to the sink, 2) placing tooth paste on the brush successfully, etc. You will be then able to measure how many times over a specified number of days the child is successful in order to establish if the learning was effective. These activities must be documented in your paper, and used to analyze your effectiveness and achievement. 1) You will first submit to your instructor a short paper to describe the topic chosen and how you will approach it to receive approval for your learning experiment. Please follow the rubric on BB for the requirements for submission and approval. You must submit your proposed topic and design by the deadline listed in the schedule for the semester or you will not be able to submit your final learning experiment paper!
Once your topic is approved you will complete your experimental design and write your final paper.
2) When writing your final paper you must clearly define your objective(s) for learning or change in a way that is measurable so that you are able to define the degree of improvement or change that occurs and cite why your attempt was or was not successful.
3) The paper begins by clearly stating the goal to be achieved in an introduction.
4) The paper must clearly define how the goal is measured, using measurable language, so that evidence of achievement can be presented. For example, Success for a 5 year-old in preparing to brush his own teeth might be measured by the number of days in a specified time frame that he brings his step stool to the sink and is able to put tooth paste on his brush without reminding or prompting.
5) The paper must clearly state what learning and behavior modification techniques are employed and describe the procedure that is followed: operant conditioning, classical conditioning, cognitive techniques, etc., and which ones specifically were used, such as a schedule of reinforcement with description of the schedule employed.
6) The paper will include a conclusion stating if the project was or was not successful and what other techniques might have been used. You must also state in measurable terms why it was or was not successful.
7) The paper will be double spaced, and include a cover page, body and reference page.
The paper will follow APA format and the body of your paper should be 2 pages, NOT including cover and reference pages. Please see the rubric on BB for more details. Papers will be graded not only on content but also on grammar and compliance with APA style. Note: No formal paper may be written in first or second person. This paper is not a reflection and it is expected that you will write in third person only. Example “It was noted that…”, NOT “I noticed or we noticed…” etc. If your paper is written unprofessionally (ie, poor grammar, failure to use words properly, failure to follow APA style, etc.) your will receive a greatly decreased grade. If you have difficulty with writing skills, it is strongly recommended you seek assistance from the Student Center for help with writing skills.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Operant Conditioning
Due Date
Operant Conditioning
The basic idea of operant conditioning is that reinforced behaviors are stronger and more likely to occur again in the future. Actions that result in punishment or negative repercussions, on the other hand, will be diminished and are less probable to occur again in the future. Ideally, this concept can be used in behavior modification or necessitating a specific change. The subject in the learning experiment is a 58-year-old male. He is a pre-diabetic workaholic who spends more time working than he does with family. The subject struggles to manage stress properly, which causes him to rely on sugar and to have a poor diet, in general. Essentially, these are unwanted behaviors that need readjustment through operant conditioning. The purpose of this study is to get him to a point where he can handle his stress in a healthy way and learn or establish a balance between his personal and professional lives.
For behavior modification to work efficiently, it is vital to establish some feasible and measurable objectives for the subject. The objectives will be divided into weekly activities or timelines to assess how the subject is progressing towards the ultimate goal. First, due to his inability to manage his blood sugar levels, the researcher will measure the subject's blood sugar. For instance, the results from the second day will be compared to those from the first day to note any differences. Second, the subject had an issue with his addiction to work and creating time for his family. The experiment objective would be to check the days in a week when the subject came home early for supper and spent time with the family.
For operant conditioning and behavior change to occur, the experiment must adopt reinforcers. These are any stimulus that improves the likelihood of a previous behavior being repeated. Reinforcers may be positive or negative, and the experiment will adopt both types of reinforcement. First, positive reinforcement is used in operant conditioning to refer to the addition of a rewarding stimul...
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