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DSM-5 for Social Anxiety Disorder

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Sources: DSM-V

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DSM-5 diagnosis
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DSM-5 diagnosis
Vignette 1:
DSM-5 for Social Anxiety Disorder
1 Persistent, severe worry or anxiety about being evaluated badly, ashamed, or humiliated in certain social circumstances (American Psychiatric Association, 1980). Ms.Z feared that she would be made fun of or beaten up by older children in school. She feels that the other mothers in her previous social group, seem to dislike her.
2 Avoiding or enduring anxiety-inducing social settings with great dread or distress: She argues that she can’t stand her family and friends because she annoyed with people that don't share her worries.
3 Anxiety that is too high in comparison to the scenario: MS Z reported that since the September 11, 2001, attack she was concerned about terrorists invading her neighborhood, and after viewing news stories about kidnappings, she was concerned that the children might be stolen from their backyard. She's also worried about them being exposed to germs or dangerous substances.
4 Anxiety or anguish that makes it difficult to go about your regular activities (American Psychiatric Association, 1980): She suffers attacks that make her feel palpitations and chest pains, dizzy, lightheaded and feeling like things are unreal. She claimed she is more afraid to leave the house for fear of being debilitated by her symptoms and unable to return home.
5 Fear or anxiety that isn't caused by a health condition, medicine, or drug misuse. Though her condition may be caused by the physical signs of hypothyroidism, which sometimes cause individuals to be concerned that something is amiss with their health, her dread goes beyond her health.
The condition might be caused by Ms. Z negative experience in childhood, with her parents divorcing, the fear of punishment, bullying and poor social interactions. She has a traumatic experience with the 9-11 attack and also the disorder could be connected to her genetic line.
Impact of Culture on Social Anxiety
Since her biological parents or siblings have social anxiety disor...
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