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The Application of Behavioral Learning Theory in Education

Essay Instructions:

Students are required to write a 2,500 word essay on the following topic by February 14th, 2022
Critically discuss the applicability in today’s education of one concept* from Psychology.
* Concept is an overarching term and can include any theory/ framework/construct from Psychology that you felt was interesting to you from the lectures delivered as part of this module.
Critically discuss means you need to carefully weigh the arguments for and against the applicability of a particular psychological concept or theory/framework in education. Arguments should always be supported by evidence drawn from published literature. For the topic of your selection, you can use references or core readings from the associated lectures as a starting point. This guidance will be further discussed in Week 7, where we will dedicate part of the live session to prepare for the coursework.
In this essay, you can use examples from your personal practice and experience that exemplify the applicability of a particular concept in educational practice.
Furthermore, you will have the chance to submit a draft plan of your essay (1 to 1.5 pages long) and receive feedback. In this plan we would like you to include an outline of how your essay will be structured i.e., what type of information will be included in the Introduction, Body of the essay and Conclusion. This can be a sketch of the content that you aim to include, and it does not need to be the final one. Download a template for the essay plan here . There will be a specific date and link for submitting this plan after Christmas.
Practical guidance
The following formatting specifications for the Final assignment are recommended:
• Assignment title is reproduced on the first page along with your candidate number.
• 1.5 line spacing
• Size 12 font in Times New Roman or Arial
• Left justified with a 2.5 margin
• Include page numbers
• Include a word count
• Word or PDF file format
Referencing should conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. All references cited in the text should be in the reference list. Digital Object Identifiers are not required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Application of Behavioral Learning Theory in Education
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Lecturer’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Word count: 2604 words
The Application of Behavioral Learning Theory in Education
Behavioral learning theory is one of the systems used in education to discourage disruptive behaviors. It employs various behavioral interventions to establish a suitable environment that is academically focused and devoid of negative behaviors. This allows teachers to concentrate more on teaching and learning than addressing unruly behaviors among students. Studies show that John B. Watson, a twentieth century American psychologist, coined this theory. He asserted that all behavior is predominantly influenced by external stimuli (Hour, 2021). Watson’s theory was supported by B.F Skinner who held that changes in behavior are the result of an individual’s response to environment (Bryant et al.,2013). Understanding students’ behaviors enables educators to teach learners more effectively, which creates the concept of behaviorism. The application of this concept in education is the subject matter of this essay. First, the theory will be presented and then evidence regarding its application in education will be outlined and evaluated.
Behavioral Learning Theory
Behavioral learning theory or behaviorism is one of the popular concepts of psychology applicable in education. It focuses on how students learn, stating that behaviors are learned from the environment. The theory also holds the view that innate factors have little influence on behavior.Bryant et al.(2013) noted that behavioral learning theory utilizes primary ideas from the work of B.F Skinner, who held the view that learning occurs through rewards and punishments. According to Skinner, rewards increase the possibility of repeated behaviors, while punishment lowers the chances of repetition (Hour, 2021). He also theorized that rewards and punishments could either be positive or negative. This concept is most commonly used in classrooms today to manage students’ behaviors. Educators use it to teach students how to react and respond to particular stimuli. This should be done repetitively to constantly remind learners of the type of behaviors a teacher is seeking.
Application of the Theory in Education
Punishment is an action taken by a teacher to reduce a student’s negative behavior. It decreases the strength or likelihood of a response. According to Hour (2021), this action involves increasing the intensity of a stimulus following the operant. It occurs when the individual punished receives the action to prevent or lower the possibility of particular behaviors. For instance, a teacher scolds a learner for failing to turn off their phone during a classroom session. The student scolded may feel ashamed in front of their classmates. Such students may try to avoid repeating the same mistake to avoid embarrassment in the future. Additionally, the action warns other students against particular behaviors that violate the classroom to avoid similar outcomes.
Teachers apply this approach in the classroom to modify unnecessary behaviors that may disrupt learning. Students always tend to break the school rules, especially during class activities. One of the classroom rules is to listen to what the teacher is teaching without talking unless the student has a question (Fantahun Admas & Sreevalsa Kumar, 2019). However, most students are likely to break this rule by talking while the teacher is teaching. In such cases, a teacher may scold the students who indulge in such practices to stop them from talking. In a worse scenario, the teacher may ask the unruly students to get out of the classroom if they continue to disobey the rules. Other forms of punishment include suspension, isolation, manual work, restitution, dismissal, expulsion, and deprivation of certain privileges depending on the mistake done (Pritchard, 2017). Whether the punishment is mild or serious, the teacher must understand that it will only be effective if applied to the appropriate students with unacceptable behaviors and at the right time and place.
Positive Reinforcement
Teachers use reinforcement to increase the likelihood that a specific action will occur by delivering a stimulus once a student exhibit a behavior. Positive reinforcement is one example of the behaviorism approach applied in education. It helps students shape and change their negative behaviors. Bryant et al. (2013) noted that positive reinforcement works by motivating students after exhibiting the desired behavior, making the act more likely to occur in the future. Simply put, the teacher can apply positive reinforcement to strengthen the desirable behaviors. Many schools use this approach to modify students’ conducts, which would in turn, enhance learning. A motivating item used in this concept is a reward that encourages and motivates learners to maintain or increase desirable behaviors, hence, the term “extrinsic motivation.”According to Pritchard (2017), extrinsic motivation is a motivation that originates outside a person, such as money or grades. These rewards offer satisfaction and pleasure not found in the task. Other than physical items, teachers can also carry out positive reinforcement verbally. For instance, the teacher may praise a student for answering a question.
The teacher may also use incentive motivation to give away something to students who exhibit desirable behaviors. For example, to encourage learners to work hard, the educator promises those who score highly in their test a letter of appreciation. Such actions make students feel excited as they wish to show it to their parents or earn dignity among other students. The certificate is also a way of encouraging students to work hard. It serves as the ultimate incentive issued to those who complete the school programs. However, teachers should remember that getting a certificate sometimes does not attract students because it is a long process. Immediate rewards and responses attract most students (Mackay, 2018). As such, educators need to remind them regularly that a certificate is a ticket to their future destination and proof that they have completed a particular program. Students need to understand that this proof will help them achieve a lot in the future. Meanwhile, rewards should be given upon small successes. From an individual observation, the short-term incentive is vital because it will motivate students to press on to achieve their long-term goals after witnessing small wins under their belts.
Besides extrinsic motivation, schools widely use intrinsic motivation, which comes from inside a person instead of external rewards like money or grades(Bryant et al.,2013). For teachers to motivate students intrinsically, they must instill a sense of responsibility and vision in students. Once students become responsible for learning, their education will improve because they will put more effort into it. They will consult their teachers when facing academic challenges and take other possible actions to improve their learning conditions. Besides, vision gives students a projection of their future(Bryant et al.,2013). Their learning improves when they have a bigger vision. Having a vision helps students find a life purpose which they will strive to achieve.
Negative Reinforcement
It involves elimination or reduction in the strength of a stimulus. Hour (2021) described it as taking away an individual’s activities and hobbies when they behave undesirably. For example, a mother prohibits her child from watching their favorite television channels after failing to complete their assignment in time. In education, teachers apply negative reinforcement by taking away students’ recess when they fail to complete their assignments. In such a scenario, the teacher may ask the learner to do their assignments during the break. The teacher understands the importance of recess to students since they need time to relax their brains (Mackay, 2018). This is the best time for students to play, socialize, and have snacks. Taking it away breaks their hearts. However, students learn that failing to do their homework prevents teachers from doing their favorite activities. Therefore, they will learn to finish their assignments in time. Just like punishment, negative rein...
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