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Environment and Genetic Makeup Influence Behavior

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this paper is to assess your understanding of everything that you have read in this class thus far. Through the many topics, one or more may have stuck out to you. I would like for you to reflect on the different theories/concepts you have learned in this class, and describe to me what concept has been most meaningful to you thus far. Be sure to provide a detailed explanation about the theory (in your own words) and thoroughly explain why this theory or concept is important to you.
-3 pages min.
-Be sure to proofread
-APA format (refer to the PowerPoint)
-Min. 3 references (The textbook can may count as one.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The development of the adolescents is one that is associated with the environment and the genetic make-up of the person in question. This is to mean that, the growth and development of an adolescent, is largely affected by the environment in which they grow up and the genetic makeup that they inherit from their parents. As such, there is some element of disparity that associated with the fact that, different parents will pass down diverse genes to their children. At the same time, the environment that the children grow up in is going to influence the way that they body adapts. As such different adolescents will grow at different rates when it comes to aspects such as complex thinking, metacognition and abstract thinking (Getting-in.com, 2017). Most importantly, there is a significant element of female and male traits. This is to mean that, quite a number of cultures tend to classify most of the qualities as either female or male. There are qualities that are considered to be feminine and there are those that are considered to be masculine.
Some of the best theories that helps bring to the light the level of differences that are associated with the development of the adolescents, cognitive-developmental theory of gender and gender schema theory state. According to the theories in question, the element of differentiation is a crucial part that is associated with adolescents and the way that they develop attributes that are accorded to them by the different societies.
There are perceptions that are common in the different cultures where the males are accorded different roles and the females as well. As such, for the young males they are encouraged to grow and develop in a certain manner that is associated with being masculine (Williams, 2017). There are those jobs and behaviors that are considered to be for the men and those that are associated with the females. Ideally, for the longest time, there have been a structure that the society has used to try and curve out the roles that males should take and those that females should take. This is closely associated with the way that men and women are supposed to behave. For the females, the element of being timid is common while the males are supposed to be risk takers.
This is a very interesting theory given the fact that, for the longest time society has tried to downplay the abilities of the females. As such, ladies are supposed to act in a way that they are able to take part in timid roles. It is for this reason that, women have been trying to break the stereotypes. Gender equality had been one of the greatest contests of the century. As women fight to be recognized the society has largely relegated most of the more involving roles in the society to the men. In the West, relative t...
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