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Perinatal: Explain Origins In Your Genetics, Your Culture

Essay Instructions:

3 pages for each question:
1. Pick one of your traits and explain the influences that both nature and nurture have on it. For example, if you have a short temper, explain its origins in your genetics, your culture, and your childhood experiences
2. Discuss the role and impact of the father throughout the pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

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Nature vs. Nurture
The debate of nature vs nurture is one that elicits various opinions from various quotas. On one hand, there are people who are of the view most of the traits that human beings possess are as a result of the genetic composition and therefore due to nature. However, there are others who are of the view that genetic composition plays a small if any role at all in the character trait formation. Instead, they argue that the environment around which a person is consistently exposed to largely determined the traits they develop. For instance, a person who is short or hot tempered. What could be the real reason for such a character trait?
From a biological perspective, the offspring will often inherit some genetic aspects from the parents both in the animal and human kingdom (Moore, 2013). Basic biology indicates that a child born will bear some resemblance with both the parents. The resemblance is not just in the physical appearance but also in the genetic composition. This explains why some diseases are hereditary and could be easily passed from the parent to the offspring. With this basic explanation, it therefore means that there are some traits that parent may have which could easily be passed to a child. It is not clear the extent of genetic composition from a parent that is passed on to the offspring. What is certain; however, is that there is some level of genes that are passed to the offspring. Therefore, it is correct to argue that nature plays a role in the formation of character traits of a person. An example would be, a parent who is light skinned is more likely to give birth to a light skin child. The genetic composition that makes the skin light will be passed on to the baby. In a case of interracial marriage where one of the parent is dark skinned and the other light, it is the dominant genes that will be passed on to the offspring. Although the genes of both parents will be passed, the genes that are more strong or dominant are the ones that will be manifested in the child. This means that indeed nature plays a crucial role in the formation of character traits of person.
On the other hand, the nature environment in which one is exposed also plays a crucial role in determining how one turns out. For example, the upbringing of a child and the environment in which they grow will determine largely how that child will turn out. Researches indicate that the brain of a young child can be compared a white clean slate with nothing written on. Then journey they go through life determined what is written on that slate. For instance, children who experience a lot of bullying and violence growing are more likely to become bully themselves in their adult life. Children do not know right or wrong and will take after the adults around them. It is the adults around the kids who will either validate or invalidate a certain behavior for a child to follow. To that extent, environment which refers the manner in which a person is nurtured also determines character formation (Moore, 2013).
Having established that both nature (genetic composition) and nurture (environment) contribute to the character formation, then the nest issue is to determine which of the two has greater influence in charter formation. Some people will argue that genes determine largely because it is in the blood of a person. While this may be so, researches conducted over time are indicative that both nature have an almost equal influence. It is halfway shared between to determine character formation of a person. The personality that each person has is partly due to their hereditary genetic composition and party the environment which has nurtured them.
Role and impact of the father throughout the pregnancy, labor, and delivery
The role of a father during the period of pregnancy throughout to child birth remain a mirage to most communities the world. Unfortunately, even though parenthood is a collective responsibility pregnancy and childbirth is viewed a woman’s responsibility. While she is the one physically carrying the child, there are several roles that the father of baby can play aimed at making the experience of the woman much easier and manageable. Researchers have sought to establish the notion of men in regard to their role during pregnancy and majority appeared not to fully understand what is expected of them.
According to the findings of the researchers, involvement of fathers during pregnancy contributes largely in reducing maternal stre...
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