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Evaluate Social Role Theory and Cultural Theory

Essay Instructions:

Evaluate Social Role Theory and Cultural Theory. Discuss what strikes you about these theories. What do you agree with and why? What do you disagree with and why?

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Human Growth & Development
According to Cameron & Bogin,2012, human growth and development is defined as a lifelong process that include cognitive, behavioral, physical and emotional growth and any other change that might take place in humans. During the early stages of life, that is from being a baby to a child, from childhood to adolescence stage, and finally from adolescence to adulthood; there are several and enormous changes that take place in human’s life. Many scholars have come with different theories to explain the idea of human growth and development. For instance, those theories include the social role theory and the cultural theory.
This paper explores how the Social Role Theory and Cultural Theory have explained the human growth and development.
Social Role Theory
This theory was driven from a perspective in sociology as well as social psychology. This theory posits that the historical division of labor that is there between women that more often than note would carry out responsibilities at home and men who more often than not would carry out responsibilities out of their homes (Eagly, Wood & Diekman, 2000). Due to the impact of the concomitant differences in terms of sex and in the social behavior, both men and women started to diverge. These expectancies have been will be and have been transferred to the future generations, and for that reason encroach on the social behavior of men and women. Each role that is played by every gender role has been explained by this theory as norms, duties, expectations and behaviors that each and every person is expected to face and to fulfill. This model is based on the idea that human beings are expected to behave in certain or predetermined way, and also a person’s behavior is a context specific that is based on the social position and other factors. In other words, this theory of social role is based on the argument that gender roles are those behaviors that are common for a specific gender. Put in simple terms, gender roles are those cultural behaviors that are expected to be seen from men and women. Since time immemorial, women were expected to serve as the primary caregivers and for their children, while men assumed the role of breadwinners for their family. Eagly’s theory has explained that these expectations were driven out of the natural differences that are there between males and females. It is important to remember that these cultural and social expectations for men and women are also referred to as the gender stereotypes (Eagly, 2013).
Cultural Theory
This theory has been applied in different attempts so as to understand and conceptualize the dynamics of culture. For many years, there have been arguments concerning the relationship that is there between culture and nature as well as between culture and society, and also the difference between the low and low culture, and finally the difference between cultural diversity and traditions. The cultural theory has also been linked with its engagement to the concepts that have always been used cover some of the grounds that have been signified by the idea of culture itself. The cultural theory has also been used to describe the differences that can be witnessed...
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