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Application: Coaching Teams for Leadership Development

Essay Instructions:

Application: Coaching Teams for Leadership Development
A leadership team is a group in which more than one individual has equivalent power and responsibility in an organization. For example, a corporate leadership board would be considered a leadership team if all members had an equal voice in decision making. Another example of a leadership team would be co-CEOs leading a single organization-a situation that often is the result of a merger. Coaching teams requires a slightly different knowledge base compared to coaching individuals. For instance, coaching individuals requires knowledge of psychology and human development, but coaching teams requires knowledge of social psychology and group dynamics. Because the knowledge base for coaching leadership teams is slightly different from coaching individuals, the strategies used by coaches also are different.
To prepare for this assignment:
Review the online chapter, "Lessons Learned in-and Guidelines for-Coaching Executive Teams." Pay particular attention to the guidelines for coaching leadership teams.
Review the article, "A Theory of Team Coaching." Consider the conditions that will or will not enable coaching to facilitate team performance.
Review the article, "The Top Management Team: Key to Strategic Success." Focus on the author's framework for assessing and amending leadership teams.
Review the article, "Leadership Group Coaching in Action: The Zen of Creating High Performance Teams." Consider the strategies the leadership coach in the article's case study uses to work with the executive team.
Identify two considerations that you believe to be the most important to keep in mind when working with leadership teams.
Reflect on a situation for which coaching a team for leadership development would be effective and a specific situation for which coaching a team would not be effective and consider why.
Select two strategies you would use for coaching teams for leadership development and think about how and why each strategy would be effective.
The assignment: (1–2 pages)
Briefly describe at least two considerations related to coaching teams for leadership development and explain why each might be important to keep in mind during coaching.
Describe a specific situation for which coaching a team for leadership development would be effective and a specific situation for which coaching a team would be ineffective and explain why.
Describe at least two strategies you would use for coaching teams for leadership development and explain why. Be sure to include your thoughts on why each strategy might be effective.
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. All resources must be cited in text, and included in an APA formatted reference section following APA style.
Submit your assignment by Day 3.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Application: Coaching Teams for Leadership Development
Two considerations related to coaching teams for leadership development
When coaching leadership teams for leadership development the process process is effective when targeting intact teams. It is necessary to consider how behavior and will affect performance and outcomes, as this determines whether there is a need to change team leadership. In individual learning, behavior depends on the consequences, and this is relevant in team leadership as there ought to be instructions on how to behave, monitor performance and highlighting the consequences of team performance (Hackman & Wageman, 2005). The challenge with considering behaviors in team coaching is that desirable behavior may be difficult to assess and achieve when individual behaviors are not known.
The level of commitment is another factor that should be prioritized as his influences how the team members are willing to learn and participate. If the members are committed to implementing changes and helping each then leadership coaching will be more effective (Kets de Vries, 2005). Hence, assessing the level of commitment influences the coaching process, team building and even resolving conflicts as clear boundaries are set focusing on expected behavioral change. According to Kets de Vries (2005) committed individuals are motivated and each member is likely to internalize that they are not expected to fail as they derail the whole team, and this may also improve.
Coaching a team for leadership development
When there is leadership team and implement coaching of team leadership would be effective when there is cohesiveness in an intact team. The leadership interventions targeting each member to get the desired outcomes where there is social capital, and members can work together. There is likely to be more collaborative efforts when there is an intact team already in place, and this is especially when there is group focused coaching, which can help steer organizational change. There ought to be evaluation of leadership coaching to enhance improvement opt unities, and intact te...
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