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Attitudes and Beliefs Inventory

Essay Instructions:


Step 1: Read and complete the Attitudes & Beliefs Inventory below (see p. 2). When you are finished, go back over the inventory and select three questions you had the strongest reactions to and/or you had the most difficult time answering.

Your paper should be 5-7 pages, (excluding title page, abstract, reference page), written in APA format, including a title page, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and references. Your paper should be well thought out and demonstrate critical thinking, self-evaluation, and practical application. Your paper must include at least 5 scholarly references published within the last 5 years. All sources must be scholarly journal articles outside of course materials, materials from other classes, and applicable to the counseling profession. No websites or direct quotes. This assignment should be written in 1st person.

Step 2: Divide your paper into the three required headings below and address the following questions within each section:


State the 3 questions that evoked the strongest reaction in you, and/or, you found most difficult to answer. Why? What personal value(s) and/or belief(s) did each question seem to contradict or seemed to cause some personal incongruence within you?


When, from whom, and how, did you learn this (these) value(s)/belief(s)?


What personal or professional work do you still need to do around this issue?

Step 3: When you have completed your paper, save it as a Microsoft Word document under your name and assignment title (Example: Doe_J_Attitudes and Beliefs_Paper). Submit your paper via the assignment submission link in Canvas and Tevera. If the final paper you submit contains entire sentences or paragraphs that have a high similarity index to other sources, it may indicate either unintentional or intentional plagiarism. You may be contacted by your instructor.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Attitudes & Beliefs Inventory*

6. A woman who has decided to leave her husband and children to gain independence.

14. A gay or lesbian couple wanting to adopt a child.

16. A woman who comes with her husband for couples counseling while maintaining an extramarital affair.

*Modified from Corey, G., Cory M.S., & Callanan, P. (2011). Issues and ethics in the helping professions, (8th ed.). Brooks/Cole.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Benchmark Attitudes and Reflection

Your Name

Subject and Section

Professor’s Name

December 4, 2023

Embarking on this journey with the Attitudes & Beliefs Inventory, a tool born from the insightful work of Corey, Cory, and Callanan (2011), has opened a window to my soul, a deep dive into the core of my personal values and biases. This isn't just a professional endeavor; it feels like peeling back layers of my own understanding, especially when faced with clients from walks of life that are so varied. In the heart of this paper lies my personal narrative, my reactions to three distinct yet profoundly challenging scenarios from the Inventory: the story of a woman carving out her independence from her family (Question 6), the journey of a gay or lesbian couple's quest to adopt a child (Question 15), and the complex tapestry of a woman in couples counseling, entangled in an extramarital affair (Question 17).

These scenarios, more than just queries, turned out to be mirrors reflecting my internal conflicts and biases. I found myself at a crossroads, my reactions to these situations revealing a landscape of personal values and beliefs - some standing firm, others wavering. This paper is my canvas, where I paint my immediate emotional responses to these situations, exploring how each one either resonated with or contradicted my ingrained beliefs (Reaction). Following these revelations, I'll journey down memory lane, tracing the roots of these beliefs and reflecting on their impact on my approach as a counselor (Response). But it doesn't end there. I recognize that identifying these biases is just a starting point. The path ahead is one of growth and development, where I outline the steps I need to take, both personally and professionally, to transform these insights into effective counseling practices (Action). This exploration is far more than an academic requirement; it's a crucial phase in my quest for self-awareness and professional evolution, aiming to enhance my ability to connect empathetically and competently with a diverse clientele.

Benchmark Attitude


Question 6: A Woman Leaving Her Husband and Children for Independence

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