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Application of the Object Relations Theory on the Movie "Three Identical Strangers"

Essay Instructions:

Video To Be Watched: Three Identical Strangers

The three brothers go through an identity crisis of magnitude proportions as a result of the way they were treated. Using our required readings/video on Kierkegaard (losing oneself), psychoanalytic perspectives of Freud, and humanistic perspectives of Rogers and

Maslow, including existential philosophers/psychologists, such as Heidegger, and Rollo May, discuss how the external and internal components of this very disruptive and unique early life affected the three brothers’ future.

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The Three Identical Strangers
The Three Identical Strangers
The psychological models of personality development put a strong emphasis on the effects of the experiences a child undergoes in their early years of development on their personality in the age of adulthood. According to Holmes (2015), the ways through which these influences manifest in the child’s life tend to vary with the differences depicted by factors such as the environment and the biological influences predisposed. The object relations theory provides an essential psychological framework of explaining how different factors presented in an individual’s early life play a role in affecting their ways of life in their adulthood. According to Summers (2014), object relations theories reveal that early childhood experiences influence the infant’s future abilities of internalizing representations of the historical experiences they were exposed to. The childhood experiences are assumed to play the role of fantasized objects and may occur in the form of explicit memory traces. In other instances, Holmes (2015) explains that the representations may be presented in the form of affective and energetic revelations that reveal the emotional dimensions of the underlying historical plights.
The Three Identical Strangers is a video presenting three triplets that were separated from one another at birth in the 1960s. Based on the story line, the three identical young men were adopted and raised separately with prior arrangements from the Louise Wise Adoption Agency. The adoption agency went further to initiate the processes of establishing a team of psychologists that were give the obligation of monitoring the purposefully separated identical triplets to demystify the effects of nature and nurture on an individual’s personality. The fact that the adopting parents in The Three Identical Strangers were not told that they were being monitored and that the children under investigation were identical triplets reveals the efficacy of the study in fostering the attainment of the psychological experiment under investigation. On the other hand, the three siblings were never told the underlying truth. Similarly, the biological parents of the identical children were not given the details of the surrogate parentages to their children; an aspect that enhanced the reliability of the study. The current research seeks to undertake a critical analysis of how the environment shapes an individual’s personality by applying the object relations theory on The Three Identical Strangers movie.
The Three Identical Strangers plays an effective role in revealing the traumatic experiences undergone by adopted children and the ...
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