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Hello, please know that this class is ABA, and my major is BCBA, so please make sure all concepts are ABA and NOT psychology. In Unit 4, you have learned that there are many unlearned reinforcers and punishers that impact behavior, such as food, water, warmth, etc. You know that behavior that gains access to such reinforcers tend to repeat. But there are behaviors that we engage in every day that are not reinforced or punished by these unlearned stimuli. In Unit 4, you have learned how neutral stimuli can be conditioned to influence behavior. Through pairing with unlearned reinforcers (or punishers), or previously conditioned reinforcers or punishers, neutral stimuli can be transformed into conditioned reinforcers or punishers to effectively maintain or diminish behavior. (view Unit 4 Lecture Transcript) Read the following scenario. Part 1: Setting the Scene Every time Daniel is presented with a work task, he cries. Usually, work is done at the table and now, Daniel doesn't even want to sit at the table even for lunch. This has become a problem and now the teacher doesn't know where to start. He knows that when he completes his work, he will earn a token on his token board and exchange them for an item in the prize box. Eventually, he will complete part of his work on the floor and earn his tokens. Conditioned Reinforcer: Explain how "pairing" can create conditioned reinforcers (learned reinforcers). Use the scenario in Daniel's class to illustrate the process of pairing. What is the conditioned reinforcer in this example? Conditioned Aversive Stimulus: From the above scenario, explain how a neutral stimulus was transformed into a conditioned punisher (learned aversive stimulus) through the process of pairing and how this can evolve into escape maintained behavior. Diagram the above punishment contingency. (Hint: The contingency should be an escape or punishment). Part 2: Complete the Discussion Question Worksheet Complete worksheet based on this week's primary discussion post. Attach your finalized worksheet as part of your final primary post. Conditioning an Aversive Stimulus Worksheet (Se attachment) sources. Cooper. Chapter 2 in Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd edition): “Basic Concepts and Principles” Chapter 28 in Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd edition): “Token Economy, Group Contingencies, and Contingency Contracting” https://www(dot)icloud(dot)com/iclouddrive/017gsLuEN-tN_JFPiytIQfrwQ#applied-behavior-analysis https://www(dot)icloud(dot)com/iclouddrive/0bd7O_OO7PZWRsZHzBAMgYKWQ#behavior-modification-principles-and-procedures-6th-edition-original-pdf-1701742378 Hello, please know that this class is ABA, and my major is BCBA, so please make sure all concepts are ABA and NOT psychology.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
ABA-U4D Name of the Student Institutional Affiliation Course Code and Course Name Professor Date of Submission A breakdown of Daniel’s scenario from a behavioral analysis perspective involves the following: Conditioned Reinforcer: The desired behavior is the completion of a task, and the token, in this case, which is placed on the token board, is earned by the child when, for instance, Daniel is done with his work. Therefore, the process of pairing makes the token a conditioned reinforcer for the behavior in this case. The pairing process involves the use of a neutral stimulus (token) together with the unconditioned reinforcer (item of prize box). In the long run, the previously neutral object—the token, gains its ability to act as a conditioned reinforcer and either maintain or increase the target behavior which is finishing works (Miltenberger, 2014). In this case, the conditioned reinforcer is the token that Daniel gets after working to get his rewards. Conditioned Aversive Stimulus: The work table has become the least liked stimulus, or, in other words, it has become a conditioned aversive stimulus – or a conditioned punisher – for Daniel. At first, t...
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