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#9 History of PSY Assignment

Essay Instructions:
This assignment is designed to help you think about the history of psychology as a progressive, continuous process. In this assignment, you will choose one school of thought and look at its influence throughout history and in modern-day psychology. You will research past and present factors and relate them back to the development of psychology as a science. Your assignment should be supported by at least two scholarly resources, including references to the readings and at least one outside resource obtained from the Purdue Global Library. Write a 3- to 4-page informative essay incorporating the following: Choose one school of thought and summarize its major concepts. Based on this school of thought, provide an example that shows the continued influence of the history of psychology on modern-day psychology by: Researching past and present factors (e.g., societal values, world events, life events of the theorist, advances in technology) and relating them to the development of psychology as a science. For example: How did the World Wars impact the development of behaviorism? How is this school of thought still being used today? How do these factors show the continued influence of the history of psychology on modern-day psychology? Your assignment should be a 3- to 4-page informational essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements: Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date. Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs. The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose that is clearly established and sustained. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure). Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate. Reference page: Sources listed in APA format. Include a minimum of two sources to support your responses and conclusions. One should be your text and the other should be a peer reviewed journal article from the Purdue Global Library. Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned. Use standard 1" margins on all sides. Use APA formatting and citation style.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
History of Psy Assignment Students’s Name Institution Course Professor Date History of Psy Assignment Introduction Psychology has evolved through several schools of thought, each bringing unique insights into human behavior and mental processes. Behaviorism, in particular, has greatly influenced psychology's scientific progress. Behaviorism has helped us understand human behavior in a systematic and quantitative way by emphasizing observable behavior and learning. Using experimental methods and empirical study, behaviorism helped establish psychology as a rigorous and empirical science, establishing the groundwork for future psychology research. Its importance on contemporary psychological research, clinical practice, and everyday applications shows its lasting impact on human behavior and psychological theories and solutions. This essay discusses behaviorism's main concepts, historical impact, and current significance in psychology. Behaviorism Major Concepts Behaviorism in psychology is the school of thought that pays excessive attention to observable behavior as the main point of focus. It started in the 20th century and was associated with great psychologists like John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner. The core principles of behaviorism can be elucidated as follows: Focus on Observable Behavior Behaviorists argue that scientific investigation should focus only on observable behaviors rather than investigating the inner processes of the mind. This perspective supports behaviorism as an empirical approach and considers objectively measurable actions and responses vital to human behaviors. Stimulus-Response Associations According to behaviorism, behavior is held to be a direct response to environmental stimuli. The person learns by establishing associations between certain stimuli and certain responses (Rogti, 2021). In that way, the principle emphasizes the role of environmental influences in shaping and determining behavior, thereby emphasizing the role of the external contribution in behavioral development and modification. Reinforcement and Punishment According to behaviorism, reinforcement, and punishment shape and maintain behavior. Positive reinforcement tends to increase desired forms of behavior using rewards, thereby making the repetition of such behaviors more likely. On the other hand, punishment ages to weaken undesirable behavior by incorporating negative consequences. The above mechanisms of reinforcement and punishment work inversely in varying towards behavior modification and learning, affecting the acquisition and extinction of behavioral responses. Historical Influence of Behaviorism Influence of World Wars The World Wars provided the backdrop for behaviorism...
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